Senin, 30 September 2013

2000 Nama Bayi Wanita Islam Pilihan

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Memberi nama yang baik bagi bayinya adalah kewajiban setiap orang tua. Berikut daftar 2000 nama-nama bayi wanita islam pilihan, mudah-mudahan dapat menjadi referensi dalam memberi nama pada bayi wanita Anda.

Nama bayi wanita Islam

A'ishah : Istri Nabi (SAW) (Wife of the Prophet (SAW))
A'shadieeyah : Putri, imut, sempurna (Princess, cute, perfect)
Aa'idah : Nama narator hadits (Name of a narrator of hadith)
Aabidah : Penyembah (Worshipper)

Aabirah : Sekilas, sementara, fana (Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral)
Aabish : Putri Sa'ad yang adalah seorang ratu Iran (AN) (Daughter of Sa'd who was a queen of Iran (AN))
Aadila : Hanya, Jujur, Equal, Tegak (Just, Honest, Equal, Upright)
Aaeedah : Mengunjungi, yang kembali berkunjung, Reward (Visiting, Returning, Reward)
Aaeesha : Kehidupan, Vivaciousness, Hidup Sejahtera (Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous)
Aafreeda : Dibuat, Diproduksi (Created, Produced)
Aafreen : Berani, Acclaim (Brave, Acclaim)
Aakifah : Setia, Dedicated (Devoted, Dedicated)
Aala : Karunia (Bounties)
Aaleyah : Ta'ala berdiri, sosial tertinggi (Exalted, Highest social standing)
Aalia : Exhalted, Noble (Exhalted, Noble)
Aalimah : Scholar, Kewenangan (Scholar, Authority)
Aaliyah : Tinggi, Menjulang (Tall, Towering)
Aamaal : Harapan, Aspirasi, Wishes (Hopes, Aspirations, Wishes)
Aamanee : Baik inginkan (Good wish)
Aamilah : Pelaku (baik) perbuatan, Benar (Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous)
Aaminah : Aman, Aman (Secured, Safe)
Aamira : Imperial, melimpah, dihuni (Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited)
Aanisah : Muda wanita, Maiden (Young lady, Maiden)
Aaqilah : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Aara : Memuja (Adoring)
Aarifah : Mengetahui, Wanita yang mengakui Islam (Knowing, Women who recognises Islam)
Aasia : Hope (Hope)
Aasimah : Protector, terdakwa, pusat (Protector, defendant, central)
Aatifa : Kasih sayang, simpati (Affection, Sympathy)
Aatikah : Dermawan (Generous)
Aatiqah : Bahu (dukungan) tua (Shoulder (support) old)
Aatirah : Harum (Fragrant)
Abasah : Putri al-Mahdi (Daughter of al-Mahdi)
Abda : Penyembah (Worshipper)
Abeedah : Penyembah (Worshipper)
Abeer : Fragrance (Fragrance)
Abeera : Campuran aroma kelopak Rose dan Sundal (The mixture of the smell of the petals of Rose and Sundal)
Abeerah : Rose, Saffron Sandal dicampur dalam wewangian (Rose, Sandal Saffron mixed together in fragrance)
Abia : Besar (Great)
Abida : Penyembah (Worshipper)
Abidah, Abida : Penyembah (Worshipper)
Abir : Serius, indah (Serious, beautiful)
Abir, Abeer : Fragrance, parfum (Fragrance, perfume)
Ablah : Sempurna (Perfectly formed)
Ablah, Abla, Ablaa : Sempurna (Perfectly formed)
Abqurah : Genius (Genius)
Abra : Contoh, pelajaran (Example, lesson)
Abrar : Dikhususkan untuk Tuhan (Devoted to God)
Ad'ifaah : Cerdas, berbakat (Smart, talented)
Adara : Perawan (Virgin)
Adawiyah : Musim panas tanaman (Summer plant)
Adeeba : Budidaya, Sopan (Cultured, Polite)
Adeela : Sama (Equal)
Adeelah : Hanya (Just)
Adeena : Saleh, semoga sukses (Pious, good luck)
Adeeva : Menyenangkan, Lembut (Pleasant, Gentle)
Adiba : Nah, santun, berbudaya, sopan; penulis (Well, mannered, cultured, polite; writer)
Adila : Kehakiman (Justice)
Adilah, Adila, Adeela : Sama, adil, jujur (Equal, just, honest)
Adn : Firdaus (Paradise)
Afaf : Suci, berbudi luhur, sopan, murni (Chaste, virtuous, decent, pure)
Afeefa : Suci (Chaste)
Afeerah : Ditutup dengan tanah atau debu (Covered with soil or dust)
Afia : Jauh dari semua Masalah (Away from all Problems)
Afifa : Rapi wanita (Neat lady)
Afifah : Murni, sederhana (Chaste, modest)
Afiyah : 'Kesehatan', bebas dari penyakit dan kesedihan ('Health', free from illness and grief)
Afizah : Seseorang yang tahu pembacaan qur'an tersebut (A person who knows the recital of the qur'an)
Afnan : Pohon cabang atau ranting (Tree branches or twigs)
Afra : Debu berwarna (Dust-coloured)
Afra, Afraa : Putih (White)
Afrah : Perayaan, festival (Celebrations, festivals)
Afreen : Friendly (Friendly)
Afsa : Nabi Muhammad (saw) istri (Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) wife)
Afsana : Cerita (Story)
Afshan : Perhiasan bantu (Adornment aids)
Afsheen : Bersinar seperti bintang (Shine like a star)
Afya : Bayangan (Shadows)
Ahd : Sumpah, komitmen, delegasi (Pledge, commitment, delegation)
Ahdia : Unik, The One (Unique, The One)
Ahlam : Witty, imajinatif; orang yang memiliki mimpi yang menyenangkan (Witty, imaginative; one who has pleasant dreams)
Aidah : Mengunjungi, yang kembali berkunjung, Reward, Sekarang (Visiting, Returning, Reward, Present)
Aidah, Aida : Mengunjungi, kembali; hadiah (Visiting, returning; reward)
Aighar : Dia adalah seorang wanita, agama yang benar (She was a religious, righteous woman)
Aila : Noble (Noble)
Aimal : Hope (Hope)
Aimen : Kebanyakan mengucapkan selamat (Most Congratulated)
Ain : Mata, sehingga "berharga" (Eye, thus "precious")
Ain alsaba : Harta mata (Treasure of the eye)
Aini : Musim semi, bunga, sumber, pilihan (Spring, flower, source, choice)
Aisha : Kehidupan, Vivaciousness, Hidup Sejahtera, istri termuda Nabi Muhammad (saw) (Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh))
Aiza : Noble (Noble)
Ajeebah : Seorang narator hadits (A narrator of hadith)
Ajradah : Al-Ameeh, adalah seorang pemuja besar yang menyembah panjang di malam hari kadang-kadang sampai ke fajar (AN) (Al-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night sometimes right up to dawn (AN))
Ajwa : Nama tanggal di Saudia Arabia Pohon yang ditanam Kudus Prohpet (saw) (Name of a date in Saudia Arabia Tree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH))
Akia : Suster (Sister)
Akifah : Intent, sibuk (Intent, busy)
Akilah : Cerdas, logis, orang yang alasan (Intelligent, logical, one who reasons)
Akleema : Indah Salah satu putri Adam (AS) (Beautiful One of the daughters of Adam (AS))
Alaia : Berbudi luhur (Virtuous)
Aleemah : Mengetahui, Diketahuinya (Knowing, Knowledgeable)
Aleena : Sutra dari surga (Silk of heaven)
Aleeza : Joy (Joy)
Alhena : Sebuah cincin, (Sebuah bintang di konstelasi Gemini) (A ring; (A star in the constellation Gemini))
Alia : Indah (Beautiful)
Alika : Mencintai (Love)
Alima : Bijaksana (Wise)
Alimah : Terampil dalam musik atau tari (Skilled in music or dance)
Alina : Indah Tidak diverifikasi (Beautiful Not verified)
Alishba : Cantik (Pretty)
Aliyah : Ta'ala, mulia (Exalted, noble)
Aliyah, Aliyyah, Alia, Alia : Exaulted, tinggi, status sosial tertinggi (Exaulted, elevated, highest social standing)
Alleyah : Pemimpin (Leader)
Alma : Apple (Apple)
Almas : Berlian (Diamond)
Alraaz : Misteri (Mystery)
Altaf : Kebaikan, kesopanan (Kindness, politeness)
Aludra : Perawan (Virgin)
Alya : Keagungan (Loftiness)
Alzubra : (Sebuah bintang di konstelasi Leo) ((A star in the constellation Leo))
Amah : Putri Khalid bin Saeed (Daughter of Khalid bin Saeed)
Amal : Harapan, aspirasi (Hope, aspiration)
Amal, Amal, Aamal, Amala : Harapan, aspirasi (Hope, aspiration)
Amala : Harapan, Aspirasi (Hopes, Aspirations)
Aman : Keamanan, perdamaian, keamanan (Security, peace, safety)
Amana : Setia, percaya (Faithful, to believe)
Amani : Keinginan, aspirasi (Wishes, aspirations)
Amany : Sebuah keinginan (A Wish)
Amara : Abadi kecantikan, berita mendesak (Eternal beauty, urgent news)
Amatullah : Wanita hamba Allah (Female servant of Allah)
Amaya : Malam Hujan (Night Rain)
Ambar : Ambergris (Ambergris)
Amber : Permata (Jewel)
Ambereen : Fragarance, kuning, langit (Fragarance, amber, sky)
Ambreen : Sky (Sky)
Ameenah : Dapat dipercaya (Trustworthy)
Ameera : Noble wanita, putri (Noble lady, princess)
Amelia : Dapat dipercaya, indah (Trustworthy, beautiful)
Amilah : Penuh harapan (Hopeful)
Amina : Jujur (Honest)
Aminah : Dapat dipercaya, setia (Trustworthy, faithful)
Aminah, Amineh, Ameena : Dapat dipercaya, setia, aman; nama ibu dari Nabi (Trustworthy, faithful, secure; name of the mother of the Prophet)
Amira : Princess (Princess)
Amirah : Kerajaan wanita, Putri (Royal lady, Princess)
Amirah, Ameera : Putri, pemimpin (Princess, leader)
Amjad : Keindahan, kemegahan (Magnificence, splendor)
Ammarah : Penduduk (An inhabitant)
Amna : Perdamaian (Peace)
Amra : Princess (Princess)
Amrah : Tutup kepala (Headgear)
Amreen : Sky (Sky)
Amsah : Ramah; perusahaan yang baik (Friendly; of good company)
Amtullah : Wanita hamba Allah (Female servant of Allah)
Ana : Prestise, penghormatan diri (Prestige, self respect)
Anah : Kesabaran, keuletan (Patience, perseverence)
Anam : Hadir (Present)
Anan : Awan (Clouds)
Anan, Anaan : Awan-awan (Clouds)
Anaum : Berkat Allah (The blessing of Allah)
Anbar : Parfum, ambergris (Perfume, ambergris)
Anbarin : dari ambergris (of ambergris)
Andalib : Nightingale (Nightingale)
Aneeqa : Indah (Beautiful)
Aneesa : Dekat, intim, friendly (Close, intimate, friendly)
Aneezah : Dia-Kambing (She-Goat)
Angbin : Madu (Honey)
Anida : Keras kepala (Obstinate)
Anika : Sangat unik (Very unique)
Anisa : Friendly (Friendly)
Anisah : Dekat, intim, friendly (Close, intimate, friendly)
Anisah, Aneesa : Dekat, intim teman, baik (Close, intimate, good friend)
Anjum : Bintang (Stars)
Anmar : Leopard (Leopard)
Annam : Allah Berkat (God's Blessing)
Anniyah : Kepedulian, mencintai (Concern, loving)
Anum : Berkat dewa, dewa hadiah (Blessing of god, gods gift)
Anwara : Ray of Light (Ray of Light)
Aqeelah : Wise, Sensible (Wise, Sensible)
Aqilah : Istri, pasangan, yang terbaik, pick (Wife, spouse; the best, the pick)
Aqsa : Nama masjid (Name of a mosque)
Ara : Pendapat (Opinions)
Aram : Tanda-tanda, bendera (Signs, flags)
Areebah : Cerdas, pintar (Witty, smart)
Areej : Keharuman bunga dari pohon jeruk (The fragrance of a flower from an orange tree)
Aresha : Di bawah payung (Under an umbrella)
Arfa : Kebesaran (Greatness)
Aribah : Wise (Wise)
Arij : Bau manis (Sweet Smell)
Arij, Areej : Fragrance bau, manis (Fragrance, sweet smell)
Arisha : Mulia (Highness)
Arissa : Cerah (Bright)
Arjumand : Mulia, mulia (Noble, Honourable)
Aroob : Mencintai kepada suaminya (Loving to her husband)
Aroosa : Bride (Bride)
Aroush : Malaikat surga (Angel of paradise)
Arub : Mencintai (untuk suami) (Loving (to husband))
Arub, Aroob : Mencintai kepada suaminya (Loving to her husband)
Arwa : Gunung kijang (Mountain gazelle)
Arya : Noble (Noble)
Aryisha : Di bawah pohon / umberalla (Under tree/umberalla)
Arzo : Hope (Hope)
Arzu : Ingin, berharap, cinta (Wish, hope, love)
Asalah : Bangsawan keturunan (Nobility of descent)
Asbah : Murni (seperti air) (Pure (as water))
Ashalina : Manis, selalu hidup, pemalu, penuh kasih (Sweet, always living, shy, loving)
Asheeyana : Rumah, sarang (House, nest)
Ashika : Cinta (Love)
Ashwaq : Cinta, kasih sayang (Love, affections)
Asifa : Agenda (Organiser)
Asil : Halus (Smooth)
Asilah : Noble asal, murni (Noble origin, pure)
Asima : Protector (Protector)
Asimah, Asima : Pelindung (Protector)
Asiya : Istri Muslim Firaun (The Muslim wife of Pharaoh)
Asiya, Asiyah : Orang yang cenderung ke yang lemah, yang menyembuhkan, kenyamanan, konsol (One who tends to the weak, one who heals, comforts, consoles)
Asma : Loftier, lebih terkemuka (Loftier, more eminent)
Asma, Asma, Asmaa : Sangat baik, mulia, terkemuka, mulia; putri Abu Bakar (Excellent, lofty, eminent, precious; daughter of Abu Bakr)
Asmara : Indah kupu-kupu (Beautiful butterfly)
Asmat : Murni, Bersih (Pure, Clean)
Asna : Yang satu untuk diakui atau dipuji (The one to be acknowledged or praised)
Asra : Perjalanan pada malam hari (Travel by night)
Asrar : Rahasia (Secrets)
Asriyah : Modernis (Modernist)
Ateefa : Kasih sayang, simpati (Affection, Sympathy)
Ateeqah : Lama Kuno (Old Ancient)
Athilah : Berakar, kokoh (Deep-rooted, firmly established)
Athir : Disukai, disukai (Favored, preferred)
Athmah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Atia : Hadiah (Gift)
Atifa : Kasih sayang, simpatik (Affectionate, sympathetic)
Atifah, Atifa : Kasih sayang, penuh kasih, simpatik (Affectionate, compassionate, sympathetic)
Atikah, Atika : Virgin, murni, jelas (Virgin, pure, clear)
Atiya : Hadiah (Gift)
Atiyah, Atiya : Hadiah, sekarang (Gift, present)
Atyaf : Fantasi (Fantasies)
Awa : Indah malaikat, malam (Beautiful angel, night)
Awatif : Emosi (Emotions)
Aya : Frase dari Al-Qur'an suci (Phrase from the holy Quran)
Ayaat : Banyak tanda-tanda & bukti, ayat-ayat dalam Quran (Many signs & proofs, verses in the Quran)
Ayana : Beruntung hari, baik, hari penghakiman (Lucky, good day, day of judgement)
Ayat : Quran ayat-ayat, bukti-bukti yang jelas, tanda-tanda Allah (Quranic verses, clear evidences, signs of God)
Ayesha : Sumur (Well of)
Ayishah : Hidup, sejahtera; istri termuda Nabi (Living, prosperous; youngest wife of the Prophet)
Aymen : Suci, Berani nama, Tua Saudi (Sacred, Brave, Old name of Arabia)
Ayra : Terhormat (Respectable)
Ayshah : Istri Nabi Suci (SAW) (Wife of the Holy Prophet (SAW))
Az-zahra : Sangat baik dan cerdas (Excellent and smart)
Azadeh : Princess (Princess)
Azeemah : Besar (Great)
Azeeza : Terhormat, berharga, dihargai (Esteemed, precious, cherished)
Azhar, Azhaar : Bunga, bunga (Flowers, blossoms)
Aziman : Langit, surga (Sky, heaven)
Azizah : Terhormat, berharga, dihargai (Esteemed, precious, cherished)
Azizah, Aziza, Azeeza : Berharga, dihargai, dicintai, Sayang (Precious, cherished, beloved, dear)
Azka : Saleh (Pious)
Azra : Maiden, saleh, Wanita (Maiden, Pious, Woman)
Azraa : Unpierced mutiara (Unpierced pearl)
Azzah : Kijang muda, perempuan (Young, female gazelle)
Azzah, Azza : Muda, perempuan kijang (Young, female gazelle)

Badia : Belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, Mengagumkan, unik (Unprecedented, Admirable, Unique)
Badiah, Badia : Belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, menakjubkan, mengagumkan, unik (Unprecedented, amazing, admirable, unique)
Badiyah : Desert (Desert)
Badra : Purnama (Full moon)
Badriyah : Menyerupai bulan purnama (Resembling the full moon)
Badriyah, Badriyyah, Badriya : Menyerupai bulan purnama (Resembling the full moon)
Baha : Nilai, Worth (Value, Worth)
Bahia : Senang (Nice)
Bahijah : Megah, indah (Magnificent, splendid)
Bahira : Mempesona, cemerlang (Dazzling, brilliant)
Bahirah, Bahira, Baheera : Mempesona, cemerlang wanita, mulia (Dazzling, brilliant, noble lady)
Bahiya : Cantik, Radiant (Beautiful, Radiant)
Bahiyah, Bahiya, Bahiyaa : Indah, berseri-seri (Beautiful, radiant)
Bahiyyah : Radiant, indah (Radiant, beautiful)
Bakht : Lot, Takdir, Bagian (Lot, Fate, Portion)
Bakhtawar : Beruntung, Lucky (Fortunate, Lucky)
Balqees : Dia adalah putri dari Ahmad bin Mishqar (She was the daughter of Ahmad bin Mishqar)
Balqis : Nama Ratu Sheba (Name of the Queen of Sheba)
Balsam : Balsam, balsem (Balsam, balm)
Banafsha : Putri Abdullah al-Rumiyah (Daughter of Abdullah al-Rumiyah)
Banan : Halus, jari Tips (Delicate, finger tips)
Banujah : Putri al-Mahdi (The daughter of al-Mahdi)
Baraah : Kemurnian (Innocence)
Barakah, Baraka : Berkah; putih satu (Blessing; white one)
Bareerah : Saleh; (Pious;)
Bariah : Unggul (Excelling)
Bariah, Baraaa : Unggul (Excelling)
Barika : Mekar, sukses (Bloom, be successful)
Barirah : Beriman dan bertaqwa (Faithful and devoted)
Barrah : Dia adalah wunt Nabi (SAW), (She was the wunt of the Prophet (SAW),)
Barzah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Basaaria : Cantik, Sebelum (Beautiful, Prior)
Basbas : dia cantik dan memiliki suara melodeons (she was beautiful and had a melodeons voice)
Baseema : Tersenyum (Smiling)
Bashair : Kabar baik, pertanda baik (Good news, good omens)
Basheera : Pembawa kabar gembira, Joy (Bringer of good tidings, Joy)
Bashirah : Pembawa kabar gembira, sukacita (Bringer of good tidings, joy)
Bashirah, Basheera : Pembawa kabar gembira, sukacita (Bringer of good tidings, joy)
Basilah : Berani (Brave)
Basimah : Tersenyum (Smiling)
Basimah, Baseema : Tersenyum (Smiling)
Basinah : Kitty, kucing (Kitty, kitten)
Basmah : Senyum (A smile)
Basmah, Basma : Senyum (A smile)
Basoos : Dia adalah putri dari Munziq at-Tamimah (AN) (She was the daughter of Munziq at-Tamimah (AN))
Batinah : Tersembunyi, Dalam (Hidden, Inner)
Batool : Seorang wanita benar pemuja Allah (A true devotee woman of Allah)
Batrisyia : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Batul, Batool : Pertapa perawan (Ascetic virgin)
Bayan : Kejelasan, kefasihan (Clearness, eloquence)
Baysan : berjalan dengan bangga (to walk with pride)
Beena : Melihat, jelas terlihat (Seeing, clear sighted)
Bilqis : Ratu Sheeba (Queen of Sheeba)
Bilqis, Bilqees : Ratu Sheeba (Queen of Sheeba)
Binesh : Pintar (Clever)
Binish : Pintar, Cerdas (Clever, Intelligent)
Birrah : Baik Akta (Good Deed)
Bisar : Remaja (Adolescent)
Bisharah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Bisma : Tersenyum (Smile)
Budur : Kendali bulan (Full moons)
Buhaysah : Seorang narator hadits (A narrator of hadith)
Buhaysah, Buhaisah : Berjalan dengan bangga (Walking with pride)
Buhayyah : Nama budak perempuan dibebaskan (The name of a freed female slave)
Buhjah : Joy, menyenangkan (Joy, delight)
Buhthah : Bahagia, senang ketika melihat orang lain (Happy, delighted when seeing others)
Bunanah : Yazid al-Abshamiyah putri (Yazid al-Abshamiyah's daughter)
Buqayrah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Burdah : Dia adalah al-Suraymiyah, dan penyembah sangat berbakti (She was al-Suraymiyah, and a very dutiful worshipper)
Bushra : Baik pertanda, kabar baik (Good omen, good news)
Busr : Dimasak tanggal; bintang, tinggi (Unripened dates; star, height)
Busrah : Dia adalah seorang teman yang tinggal sampai era Muawiyah (She was a companion who lived until the era of Muawiyah)
Buthaynah : Tubuh yang indah dan lembut (Of beautiful and tender body)
Buthaynah, Buthainah, Buthayna : Tubuh yang indah dan lembut (Of beautiful and tender body)

Cala : Benteng (Castle)
Cantara : Kecil jembatan (Small bridge)
Chaman : Taman, dari Bahasa Urdu (Garden, from Urdu Language)
Chanda : Bulan cahaya (Moon light)
Chandni : Bulan cahaya (The moon's light)

Daania : Indah (Beautiful)
Dad : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Dafiyah : Narator Hadis (Narrator of Hadith)
Dahab : Emas (Gold)
Dahma : dia unggul dalam tata bahasa dan sastra dan memiliki pengetahuan tentang ilmu-ilmu lainnya dan seni (AN) (she excelled in grammer and literature and possessed knowledge of other sciences and arts (AN))
Dalal : Diperlakukan atau disentuh dalam jenis dan cara mencintai (Treated or touched in a kind and loving way)
Daleela : Panduan, Bukti (Guide, Proof)
Daliya : Dahlia (Dahlia)
Daliyah : Tanaman anggur (Grape vine)
Daneen : Princess (Princess)
Daniyah : Lebih dekat, lebih dekat (Closer, nearer)
Darakhshaan : Shinning (Shinning)
Daria : Belajar, mengetahui (Learned, knowing)
Deeba : Ketaatan (Obedience)
Deema : Hujan Cloud (Rainy Cloud)
Dema : Awan Hujan (The Rainy Cloud)
Dhakirah : Orang yang mengingat Allah sering (One who remembers God frequently)
Dhakiyah : Bright, cerdas (Bright, intelligent)
Dhuka : Nama matahari (Name of the sun)
Dilshad Khatoon : Dia hidup antara 730-750 (She lived between 730-750)
Dimah : Awan yang membawa air hujan (Cloud which carries rainwater)
Dina : Cinta (Love)
Diqrah : Seorang narator hadits (A narrator of hadith)
Diyanah : Agama (Religion)
Doaa : Berdoa (Pray)
Dua : Doa (Prayer)
Duaa : Doa (Prayer)
Duha, Dhuha : Pagi hari (Forenoon)
Dunyana : Dunia kita (Our world)
Durar : Mutiara (Pearls)
Durdanah : Pearl (Pearl)
Durrah : Mutiara (Pearl)
Durriyah : Bersinar, cerah (Shining, bright)

Eiliyah : Yang indah tumbuh dalam damai dan cinta dengan Allah (The beautiful one to grow in peace and love with God)
Eimaan : Iman (Faith)
Eiman : Iman (Faith)
Eliza : Unik, berharga (Unique, precious)
Elma : Apple (Apple)
Eman : Iman (Faith)
Erina : Indah wanita (Beautiful lady)
Ermina : Friendly (Friendly)
Erum : Surga (Heaven)
Eshal : Nama bunga di langit (The name of flower in the heaven)
Ezzah : Seseorang yang memberikan kehormatan, rasa hormat (A person who gives the honour, respect)

Fadeelah : Keunggulan (Superiority)
Fadila : Tampan, menarik (Good looking, attractive)
Fadilah : Distinguished, belajar (Distinguished, learned)
Fadilah, Fadheela : Budiman, luar biasa, unggul, berbudaya dan halus (Virtuous, outstanding, superior, cultured and refined)
Fadiyah : Penebus, mengorbankan diri (Redeemer, self sacrificing)
Fadwa : Nama berasal dari pengorbanan diri (Name derived from self sacrifice)
Fadwah : Nama berasal dari pengorbanan diri (Name derived from self-sacrifice)
Faeezah : Pemimpin (Leader)
Fahdah, Fahada : Macan tulul betina (Leopardess)
Faheemah : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Fahima : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Fahimah : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Fahmida : Cerdas dan Bijaksana (Intelligent and Wise)
Faiqa : Superior, Posisi (Superior, Outstanding)
Faiqah : Melampaui, sangat baik (Surpassing, excellent)
Fairuzah : Sebuah permata mulia (A precious gem)
Faiza : Keuntungan (Gain)
Faizah : Sukses (Successful)
Faizah, Faiza : Menang, pemenang (Victorious, winner)
Fajr : Fajar, pagi doa (Dawn, morning prayer)
Fakeehah : Ceria (Cheerful)
Fakhirah : Splendid, Elegan (Splendid, Elegant)
Fakhra : Baik, baru (Good, new)
Fakhriyah : Kehormatan (Honorary)
Fakhtah : Sebuah merpati (A dove)
Fakihah : Buah (Fruit)
Falak : Bintang (Star)
Falaknaz : Sky (Sky)
Falaq : Istirahat fajar (Break of dawn)
Falisha : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Fanan : Pohon cabang atau ranting (Tree branch or twig)
Faqirah : Nama seorang wanita cantik (istri dari Murrah al-Asadi) (Name of a beautiful woman (wife of Murrah al-Asadi))
Fara : Sunset (Sunset)
Farah : Joy, keceriaan (Joy, cheerfulness)
Faraza : Sukses, tinggi (Success, height)
Fareedah : Unik berharga permata (Unique precious gem)
Fareeha : Joyful, Happy (Joyful, Happy)
Fareess : Kehidupan (Life)
Farha : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Farhah : Lincah (Lively)
Farhana : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Farhanah : Senang (Happy)
Farhat : Cheer, Pleasure (Cheer, Pleasure)
Farheen : Gembira (Jubilant)
Faria : Indah, baik dan penuh kasih (Beautiful, kind and loving)
Farida : Unik, tak ada taranya (Unique, Matchless)
Faridah : Unik, tak tertandingi permata, berharga (Unique, matchless, precious gem)
Faridah, Fareeda : Unik, tak tertandingi mutiara, berharga atau permata (Unique, matchless, precious pearl or gem)
Fariha : Menyenangkan (Joyous)
Farihah : Cepat, Swift (Brisk, Swift)
Farihah, Fareeha : Senang, gembira, ceria, senang (Happy, joyful, cheerful, glad)
Fariza : Cahaya (Light)
Farizah : Lengkungan (Arch)
Farkhandah : Happy Lucky (Happy, Lucky)
Farqad : Nama bintang (Name of a star)
Faryat : Delightful matahari bersinar (Delightful sun-shine)
Farzana : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Faseehah : Fasih (Eloquent)
Faseelah : Jarak tertentu (Some distance)
Fathima : Putri Nabi (saw) (Daughter of the Prophet (PBUH))
Fathiya : Joy, Kebahagiaan, awal baru (Joy, Happiness, new begining)
Fathiyah : Awal (Beginning)
Fatihah : Membuka (Opening)
Fatim : Seorang wanita layak pujian ut-paling (A woman worthy of the ut-most praise)
Fatimah : Sebuah putri Nabi (SAW) (A daughter of the Prophet (SAW))
Fatimah, Fatima : Membiasakan; putri Nabi (Accustom; daughter of the Prophet)
Fatin : Menawan, memikat, Memikat (Captivating, Alluring, Enchanting)
Fatin or Fatinah : Menarik, menawan, memikat, mempesona (Fascinating, captivating, alluring, enchanting)
Fatinah : Menawan, memikat, cerdas (Captivating, alluring, intelligent)
Fauzia : Sukses, Pemenang (Succesful, Victorious)
Fawz : Kemenangan atau kesuksesan (Victory or success)
Fawzah, Fawza : Sukses (Success)
Fawziyah : Sukses (Successful)
Fawziyyah, Fawziya, Fazia : Sukses, menang (Successful, victorious)
Fayha : Harum (Fragrant)
Fayruz : Pirus (Turquoise)
Fazzilet : Berkat Allah (Blessings of Allah)
Feerozah : Sebuah batu berharga (A precious stone)
Feiyaz : Sukses (Successful)
Fellah : Arab melati (Arabian jasmine)
Femida : Wise (Wise)
Fida : Penebusan (Redemption)
Fiddah : Perak (Silver)
Fikriyah : Intelektual (Intellectual)
Fir : Sebuah senjata tajam (A sharp weapon)
Firdaus : Jannat, taman tertinggi di surga (Jannat, Highest garden in paradise)
Firdaws : Tertinggi taman di surga (Highest garden in Paradise)
Firdaws, Firdoos : Tertinggi taman di surga (Highest garden in Paradise)
Firdous : Garden (Garden)
Firdowsa : Tertinggi taman surga (Highest garden of paradise)
Firyal : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Fiza : Angin (Wind)
Fozia : Sukses dan menang (Successful and victorious)
Foziah : Sukses (Successful)
Fudayl : Pelajari, Cendekia (Learned, Scholar)
Furat : Manis air (Sweet water)
Furayah : Tampan, Well-built (Handsome, Well-built)
Fusaylah : Jarak tertentu (Some distance)
Fuseelah : Nama narator hadits (Name of a narrator of hadith)
Futun : Fascinations (Fascinations)

Gazala : Cerdas, menawan (Intelligent, charming)
Ghadah : Indah (Beautiful)
Ghadah, Ghaada : Indah (Beautiful)
Ghadir : Aliran (Stream)
Ghalibah : Dominan (Dominant)
Ghaliyah : Wangi, dicintai, berharga (Fragrant, beloved, valuable)
Ghaliyah, Ghaaliya : Yang terhormat, tercinta, harum, mahal (Dear, beloved, fragrant, expensive)
Ghaneemah : Rampasan, rampasan (Spoils, booty)
Ghania : Indah (Beautiful)
Ghaniyah : Cantik gadis, wanita cantik, kecantikan (Pretty girl, beautiful woman, beauty)
Gharam : Mencintai (Love)
Ghareebah : Aneh, asing (Strange, foreign)
Ghayda : Muda dan halus (Young and delicate)
Ghayda, Ghaydaa : Muda dan halus (Young and delicate)
Ghazal : Rayuan, kata-kata cinta (Flirt, words of love)
Ghazalah : Wanita kijang (Female gazelle)
Ghaziyah : Prajurit perempuan (Female Warrior)
Ghitbah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Ghizlan : Dari gazzalle (From gazzalle)
Ghufayrah : Ini adalah nama wanita yang sangat saleh yang tetap berjaga di malam hari (This was the name of a very pious woman who kept vigil in the night)
Ghufran : Pengampunan, pengampunan (Forgiveness, pardon)
Ghunwah / Ghunyah : Sangat diperlukan (Indispensible)
Ghusoon : Cabang-cabang pohon (Branches of a tree)
Ghusun, Ghusoon : Cabang-cabang pohon (Branches of a tree)
Ghuzayyah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Gul-e-Rana : Harum mawar (Sweet-smelling rose)

Haajar : Keras seperti batu (Hard as a rock)
Hababah : Sebuah putri Ajlan; Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (A daughter of Ajlan; She was a narrator of Hadith)
Habiba : Kekasih, Sayang, Sayang (Beloved, Sweetheart, Darling)
Habibah : Kekasih, Sayang, Sayang (Beloved, sweetheart, darling)
Habibah, Habeeba : Kekasih, Sayang, Sayang, istri Nabi (Beloved, sweetheart, darling; a wife of the Prophet)
Haboos : Nama dari jenis dan wanita mulia baik hati yang tinggal di Libanon (Name of a kind and benevolent noble lady who lived in Lebanon)
Hadeel : untuk coo (seperti merpati) (to coo (like a dove))
Hadeeqa : Gorgeus (Gorgeus)
Hadeeqah : Garden (Garden)
Hadil : Apakah suara burung merpati (Is the voice of a dove)
Hadiyah : Panduan untuk kebenaran (Guide to righteousness)
Hadiyah, Haadiya : Panduan untuk kebenaran, tenang (Guide to righteousness, calm)
Hadiyyah : Hadiah (Gift)
Hafa : Lembut hujan (Gentle rain)
Hafizah : Waspada, sadar (Heedful, mindful)
Hafsah : Seorang istri Nabi (SAW) (A wife of the Prophet (SAW))
Hafsah, Hafsa : Istri Nabi (Wife of the Prophet)
Hafthah : Diawetkan, dilindungi (Preserved, protected)
Haifa, Hayfa : Ramping, tubuh yang indah (Slender, of beautiful body)
Hajar : Nama istri dari Ibrahim nabi (Name of the wife of the prophet Ibrahim)
Hajjah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Hajna : Putri Nusayb, dia penyair a (Daughter of Nusayb, she was a poetess)
Hajrah : Istri Nabi Ibrahim (AS) (The wife of Prophet Ibrahim (AS))
Hakimah : Bijaksana, bijaksana (Wise, judicious)
Hala : Kemanisan (Sweetness)
Halah : Aureole (Aureole)
Halah, Haala : Lingkaran kekeramatan (Aureole)
Halima : Foster ibu dari Nabi Muhammad (SAW) (Foster mother of Prophet Muhammad (SAW))
Halimah : Lembut, sabar, ringan marah (Gentle, patient, mild-tempered)
Halimah, Haleema : Lembut, sabar, ringan marah; nama ibu menyusui Nabi (Gentle, patient, mild tempered; name of the Prophets nursing mother)
Hamdiyah : Orang yang memuji banyak (One who praises a lot)
Hameeda : Terpuji (Praiseworthy)
Hamidah : Memuji Allah, menghargai (Praising Allah, appreciative)
Hamidah, Hameeda : Terpuji (Praiseworthy)
Hamnah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Hamra : Merah (Red)
Hana : Kebahagiaan, kebahagiaan (Happiness, bliss)
Hanan : Rahmat, kasih sayang lembut, penuh kasih, (Mercy; affectionate, loving, tender)
Hanfa : Nama istri Sayyidina Ismail (AS) (Name of the wife of Sayyidina Ismail (AS))
Haniah : kebahagiaan, kebahagiaan (of happiness, bliss)
Hanifa : Murni Muslim (Pure Muslim)
Hanifah, Hanifa, Haneefa : Benar percaya (True believer)
Hanin : Kerinduan, kerinduan (Longing, yearning)
Haniya : Senang; Selamat (Pleased; Happy)
Haniyah : Menyenangkan (Pleasant)
Haniyyah, Haniya : Senang, bahagia (Pleased, happy)
Hannah : Kasih sayang (Affection)
Hareem : Dinding House of Kabba (Walls of House of Kabba)
Hasibah : Yang terhormat, mulia (Respected, noble)
Hasinah : Cantik, indah (Pretty, beautiful)
Hasna : Cantik (Pretty)
Hasnah, Hasna, Hasna : Indah (Beautiful)
Hawa, Hawwa : Malam (Eve)
Hawadah : Nyaman (Pleasant)
Hawazin : Nama suku Arab (Name of an Arabic tribe)
Hawra : Memiliki mata dengan kontras hitam dan putih (Having eyes with a marked contrast of black and white)
Hawwa : Hawa (Eve)
Hayah : Kehidupan (Life)
Hayah, Hayat : Hidup (Life)
Hayam : Mengigau cinta (Deliriously in love)
Hayam, Hayaam : Mengigau cinta (Deliriously in love)
Hayat : Kehidupan (Life)
Hayed : Gerakan, gerakan (Movement, motion)
Hayfa : Ramping, tubuh indah (Slender, of beautiful body)
Hayrah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Hayud : gunung (a mountain)
Hazar : Bulbul (Nightingale)
Hazimah : Seorang teman wanita Nabi (SAW) (A female companion of the Prophet (SAW))
Haziqah : Pintar, cerdas, cantik (Clever, intelligent, beautiful)
Hazirah : Bersihkan (Clean)
Heba : Hadiah (Gift)
Heela : Hope (Hope)
Hena : Seseorang yang sopan (Someone who is polite)
Henna : Mahakudus (Blessed)
Hessa : Takdir (Destiny)
Heyam : Salah satu tingkatan atau derajat cinta (One of the many levels or degrees of love)
Hiba : Hadiah (Gift)
Hibah : Hadiah, sekarang (Gift, present)
Hibatullah : Karunia Allah (Gift of Allah)
Hibba : Hadiah dari Allah (Gift from Allah)
Hibbah : Pemberian Allah (Gift of God)
Hidayah : Bimbingan (Guidance)
Hidiyah : Sebagai One (As One)
Hifza : Pelindung malaikat (Protective angel)
Hijab : Putri seorang Scholar dari Baghdad (Daughter of a Scholar from Baghdad)
Hijrah : Migrasi (Nabi, dari Makkah ke Madinah) (Migration (of the Prophet, from Makkah to Madinah))
Hikmah, Hikmat : Kebijaksanaan (Wisdom)
Hind : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Hindah : Istri Abu Sufyan (Wife of Abu Sufyan)
Hira : Kegelapan (Darkness)
Hirah : Gunung Hirah (Mount Hirah)
Hiyam : Mencintai (Love)
Hoor : Seorang perawan gadis surga untuk penghuni (A virgin maiden of Paradise for its dwellers)
Hooria : Malaikat Surga (Angel of Heaven)
Hooriya : Malaikat (Angel)
Horia : Angel (Angel)
Hubab : Tujuan, tujuan (Aim, goal)
Hubayshah : Dia penyair a (She was a poetess)
Hubba : Putri Malik bin Amr al-Adwaniyah (Daughter of Maalik bin Amr al-Adwaniyah)
Huda : Kanan bimbingan (Right guidance)
Huda, Hooda : Tepat bimbingan (Right guidance)
Hudun : Untuk menjadi tenang (To become quiet)
Hujaymah : Menyerang (Attack)
Hujayrah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Hukaymah : Dia adalah putri dari Umaymah putri Ruqayqah (RA) (She was the daughter of Umaymah daughter of Ruqayqah (RA))
Hulyah : Perhiasan, ornamen, perhiasan (Jewelry, ornament, finery)
Huma : Burung yang membawa sukacita (Bird who brings joy)
Humaira : Dari kemerahan nama arti arab! (From the arabic name meaning reddish!)
Humairah, Humayrah : Dari kulit kemerahan; julukan Nabi berikan kepada Aishah istrinya (Of reddish complexion; nickname the Prophet gave to his wife Aishah)
Humaydah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Humayrah : Merah (Red)
Humera : Burung imajiner yang menjulang yang tertinggi (The imaginary bird who soars the highest)
Humra : Indah, Rose (Beautiful, Rose)
Hunaidah, Hunaydah : Kecil dari Hind (Diminutive of Hind)
Hunaydah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Hur : Perawan surga (Virgins of paradise)
Huriyah, Huriyyah, Hooriya : seorang bidadari, perawan surga (a Houri, virgin of paradise)
Hurya : seorang bidadari, perawan surga (a Houri, virgin of paradise)
Husn : Kecantikan (Beauty)
Husna : Yang paling indah (Most beautiful)
Husniya : Indah (Beautiful)
Husniyah : Indah (Beautiful)
Hutun : Awan dengan hujan (Clouds with rain)
Huwaidah, Huwaydah : Lemah lembut (Gentle)

Iba : Kebanggaan, rasa (Pride, sense)
Ibadah : Menyembah (Worship)
Ibthaj : Joy (Joy)
Ibtihaj : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Ibtihaj, Ibtihaaj : Joy, menyenangkan (Joy, delight)
Ibtihal : Doa, doa (Supplication, prayer)
Ibtisam : Tersenyum (Smiling)
Idhar : Bulu halus (Fluff)
Iffah : Kemurnian, kesopanan (Purity, modesty)
Iffah, Iffat : Suci (Chaste)
Iffat : Kesucian (Chastity)
Ifra : Memberikan kebahagiaan (Giving happiness)
Iftikar : Pemikiran, kontemplasi (Thought, contemplation)
Iftikhar : Kebanggaan, kemuliaan (Pride, glory)
Ijaz : Ditiru dari Quran (Inimitability of the Quran)
Ijlal : Menghargai, menghormati (Respect, honor)
Ikhlas : Ketulusan (Sincerity)
Ikram : Kehormatan, perhotelan, kemurahan hati (Honour, hospitality, generosity)
Ikram, Ikraam : Kehormatan, keramahan, kemurahan hati (Honor, hospitality, generosity)
Ilham : Intuisi, inspirasi (Intuition, inspiration)
Ilham, Ilhaam : Intuisi (Intuition)
Ilhan : Respectfull, bagus, berharga (Respectfull, nice, precious)
Iman : Iman, kepercayaan (Faith, belief)
Imani : Iman, Kepercayaan (Faith, Belief)
Imthithal : Sopan ketaatan (Polite obedience)
Imtihal : Sopan, ketaatan (Polite, obedience)
Imtithal : Sopan ketaatan (Polite obedience)
In'am : Kebaikan, kebajikan, penganugerahan (Kindness, benefaction, bestowal)
Inam, Inaam : Kebaikan, kebajikan, penganugerahan (Kindness, benefaction, bestowal)
Inan : Seorang gadis budak milik Haroon al-Rasyid (FIH) (A slave girl belonging to Haroon al-Rashid (Fih))
Inas : Keramahan (Sociability)
Inaya : Kepedulian; perhatian (Concern; solicitude)
Inayah : Kepedulian (Concern)
Inayah, Inayat : Perawatan, perhatian (Care, concern)
Insaf : Keadilan, pemerataan (Justice, equity)
Insha : Penciptaan, originasi (Creation, origination)
Intessar : Kemenangan (Victory)
Intisar : Triumph (Triumph)
Intisar, Intisaar : Kemenangan (Triumph)
Iqra : Untuk membaca (To recite)
Iraj : Bunga (Flower)
Iram : Taman di surga (Garden in heaven)
Irem : Sebuah Taman di Surga (A Garden in Heaven)
Isa : Luas, murah hati (Spacious, generous)
Isad : Untuk membawa kebahagiaan, untuk memberikan bantuan (To bring happiness, to provide help)
Isaf : Pertolongan, bantuan (Relief, help)
Isar : Sangat menarik (Fascinating)
Isha : Malam Doa (Night Prayer)
Ishfaq : Kasih, kasih sayang (Compassion, affection)
Ishraq : Cahaya (Radiance)
Isir : Inspiritional, kuat (Inspiritional, strong)
Isma : Pengamanan (Safeguarding)
Ismah, Ismat : Kemurnian, kesederhanaan, infalibilitas (Purity, modesty, infallibility)
Ismat : Saleh (Pious)
Isra : Nocturnal perjalanan; (Nocturnal journey;)
Istabraq : Brocade (Brocade)
Istilah : Perjanjian (Agreement)
Itab : Kecaman (Censure)
Itaf : Jam (Clock)
Ithar : Preferensi (Preference)
Itidal : Kelurusan, kekencangan (Straightness, tautness)
Itimad : Reliance, dependencen (Reliance, dependencen)
Izdihar : Berkembang, mekar (Flourishing, blooming)
Izdihar, Izdihaar : Berkembang, mekar (Flourishing, blossoming)
Izma : Poistion Tinggi previledge, terhormat & kehormatan (Higher poistion, Esteemed previledge & honour)
Izz an-Nisa : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Izzah : Mungkin, daya (Might, power)

Jabeen : Dahi (Forehead)
Jabirah : Penghibur, penghibur (Comforter, consoler)
Jabrayah : Cinta, hormat (Love, respect)
Jada : Hadiah, sekarang (Gift, present)
Jadwa : Hadiah, sekarang (Gift, present)
Jahaan : Tanah (Land)
Jahan Aara : Perhiasan dunia (Adornment of the world)
Jahan Khatoon : Dia adalah seorang penyair Persia (She was a Persian poet)
Jahanara : Untuk bunga, untuk hidup (To flower, to live)
Jahdamah : Dia adalah seorang teman wanita dari Nabi (SAW) (She was a female companion of the Prophet (SAW))
Jahida : Membantu vulnarable (Helps the vulnarable)
Jahmyyllah : Indah satu (Beautiful one)
Jaiyana : Kekuatan (Strength)
Jala, Jala : Kejelasan, penjelasan (Clarity, elucidation)
Jalilah : Splendid, tinggi (Splendid, lofty)
Jameelah : Indah (Beautiful)
Jamila : Cantik, Anggun, Lovely (Beautiful, Graceful, Lovely)
Jamilah : Cantik, anggun (Beautiful, graceful)
Jamilah, Jameela : Cantik, anggun, indah (Beautiful, graceful, lovely)
Jammana : Pearl (Pearl)
Jana : Panen (Harvest)
Janan : Hati, Jiwa (Heart, Soul)
Janan, Janaan : Hati, jiwa (Heart, soul)
Jannah : Taman, surga (Garden, paradise)
Jaseena : Bagus Jantung (Nice Heart)
Jasmin : Bunga (Flower)
Jasmina : Bunga (Flower)
Jasrah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Javairea : Misterius (Mysterious)
Jawa : Gairah, cinta (Passion, love)
Jawahir : Permata (Jewels)
Jawharah : Permata (Jewel)
Jawl : untuk bergerak bebas (to move freely)
Jawna : Matahari (The sun)
Jaza : Reward, kompensasi (Reward, compensation)
Jehaan : Kreatif pikiran (Creative mind)
Jehan : Bunga yang indah (Beautiful Flower)
Jemimah : Indah (Beautiful)
Jenna : Surga, surga (Heaven, Paradise)
Jennah : Surga (Paradise)
Jessenia : Bunga (Flower)
Jian : Kehidupan (Life)
Jihan : Sebuah sungai di Iran (A river in Iran)
Jilan : Pembujuk (Courtier)
Jinan : Gardens, surga (Gardens, paradise)
Johara : Permata (Jewel)
Jud : Kemurahan hati (Generosity)
Judi : Nama sebuah gunung yang disebutkan dalam Quran (Name of a mountain mentioned in the Quran)
Juhainah, Juhaynah : Nama sebuah suku Arab (Name of an Arab tribe)
Juhanah : Gadis muda (Young girl)
Jumaana : Perak Pearl (Silver Pearl)
Juman : Mutiara (Pearl)
Jumanah, Jumaana : Perak mutiara (Silver pearl)
Jumaymah : Nama teman wanita (Name of a female companion)
Jumaynah : Gem, nama seorang teman wanita (Gem, name of a female companion)
Jun : Inlet, teluk, teluk (Inlet, bay, gulf)
Junah : Matahari (The sun)
Junnut : Surga (Heaven)
Juwairiyah, Juwayriyah : Istri Nabi (Wife of the Prophet)
Juwan : Parfum (Perfume)
Juwariyah : Dia adalah istri Nabi (SAW) (She was the wife of the Prophet (SAW))

Kabirah : Penatua, Big (Elder, Big)
Kadshah : Dia pendamping (She was a companion)
Kaheesha : Ini adalah nama seorang putri, penyair al-Waqa (This was the name of a poetess, daughter of al-Waqa)
Kaleemah : Speaker (Speaker)
Kalila : Sayang, tercinta (Sweetheart, beloved)
Kamaliyah : Kesempurnaan (Perfection)
Kamilah : Sempurna, lengkap (Perfect, complete)
Kaneez : Slave (Slave)
Kanval : Bunga (Flower)
Kanwal : Water Lily (Water Lily)
Kanz : Harta karun (Treasure)
Kanza : Hidden Treasure (Hidden Treasure)
Kanzah : Harta karun (Treasure)
Karam : Kemurahan hati (Generosity)
karawan : Berbagai jenis burung Cerek (Variety of plover birds)
Kardawiyah : Seorang wanita saleh, putri Amr al-Basriyah begitu namanya (A pious woman, daughter of Amr al-Basriyah was so named)
Karida : Tak tersentuh (Untouched)
Karimah : Murah hati, mulia (Generous, noble)
Karimah, Kareema : Murah hati, mulia (Generous, noble)
Kas : Kaca (Glass)
Kashifah : Revealer Rahasia (Revealer of Secrets)
Kashish : Objek wisata (Attraction)
Kathirah : Plenty (Plenty)
Kaukab : Star (Star)
Kausar : Sungai di Janna (surga) (River in janna (paradise))
Kawakib : Satelit (Satellites)
Kawkab : Satelit (Satellite)
Kawthar : Sungai di surga (River in Paradise)
Kaysah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Kehkashan : Galaxy (Galaxy)
Khadeeja : Nabi pertama istri (Prophet's first wife)
Khadijah : Pertama istri Nabi (SAW) (First wife of the Prophet (SAW))
Khadijah, Khadeeja : Pertama istri Nabi (First wife of the Prophet)
Khalidah : Tinggal, Selamanya (Abiding, Forever)
Khalidah, Khalida : Abadi, kekal (Immortal, everlasting)
Khalilah : Teman baik (Good friend)
Khalisah : Tulus, murni (Sincere, pure)
Khansa : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Kharqa : Kuat, angin (Strong, wind)
Khatera : Memori (Memory)
Khatoon : Lady (Lady)
Khawlah : Wanita rusa (Female deer)
Khayrah : Bagus (Good)
Khayriyah : Amal, bagus (Charitable, good)
Khayriyah, Khayriyyah, Khairiya : Amal, dermawan, baik (Charitable, beneficent, good)
Khayriyyah : Amal (Charitable)
Khazanah : Harta karun (Treasure)
Khidrah : Green (Green)
Khitam : Kesimpulan (Conclusion)
Khudrah : Greenery (Greenery)
Khulaybah : Ini adalah nama sebuah penyair Arab (This was the name of an Arab poetess)
Khulud : Immorality (Immorality)
Khulud, Khulood : Keabadian, keabadian, infinity (Immortality, eternity, infinity)
Khusbakht : Lucky (Lucky)
Khuwaylah : Gazelle (Gazelle)
Khuzama : Lavender (Lavender)
Khuzamah : Lavender (Lavender)
Kifah : Berjuang (Struggle)
Kiswar : Wilayah (Territory)
Koila : Arang (Charcoal)
Komal : Indah (Beautiful)
Kuhaylah : Nama seorang wanita saleh yang adalah seorang pembicara yang baik (Name of a pious woman who was a good speaker)
Kulthum, Kulthoom : Putri Nabi (Daughter of the Prophet)
Kulus : Kejelasan, kemurnian (Clearness, purity)
Kunza : Tersembunyi harta karun (Hidden treasure)
Kuwaysah : Cantik (Pretty)
Kyda : Diawetkan, Kuat (Preserved, Strong)

Laaibah : Laaibah adalah wanita tercantik di seluruh jannats (langit) (Laaibah is the prettiest women in all the jannats (heavens))
Labibah : Masuk akal, cerdas (Sensible, intelligent)
Laiba : Malaikat surga (Angel of heaven)
Laila : Dari Night (Of the Night)
Lama : Kegelapan bibir (Darkness of lips)
Lamah : Kecerdasan (Brilliancy)
Lamees : Murni sutra (Pure silk)
Lamiah : Bersinar (Shine)
Lamis, Lamees : Lembut untuk disentuh (Soft to the touch)
Lamisah : Lembut untuk disentuh (Soft to the touch)
Lamya : Bibir gelap (Of dark lips)
Lamya, Lamya : Bibir gelap (Of dark lips)
Lana : untuk menjadi lembut, lembut, lembut (to be gentle, soft, tender)
Lanika : The Best (The Best)
Laraib : Tanpa ragu (Without a doubt)
Lashirah : Sangat cerdas (Very intelligent)
Latifa : Lembut Jenis Menyenangkan, Toleransi (Gentle Kind Pleasant, Friendly)
Latifah : Lembut, baik hati, menyenangkan, ramah (Gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly)
Latifah, Lateefa : Lembut, baik hati, menyenangkan, ramah (Gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly)
Layali : Malam (Nights)
Layan : Lembut dan lembut (Gentle and soft)
Layla : Lahir pada malam hari, keindahan gelap (Born at night, dark beauty)
Layla, Leila : (Lahir di) malam; pengangkatan, kegembiraan ((Born at) night; rapture, elation)
Layyah : Twist, lentur (Twist, Flexure)
Lazim : Penting, penting (Essential, imperative)
Leena : Tanaman kurma, lembut, ringan, grasi (Plant of dates, soft, mild, clemency)
Leila : Malam (Night)
Leilah : Malam (Night)
Liba : Terindah (Hoor dalam jannah) (Most Beautiful (Hoor in jannah))
Lina : Palm pohon (Palm tree)
Linah, Lina, Leena : Lembut (Tender)
Liyana : Kelembutan, kelembutan (Softness, tenderness)
Lu Luah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Lu'lu : Mutiara (Pearls)
Lubab : Bagian terbaik (The best part)
Lubabah : Inti terdalam (The innermost essence)
Lubabah, Lubaaba : Inti terdalam (The innermost essence)
Luban : Pine pohon; menunjukkan leher panjang (Pine tree; denotes long neck)
Lubanah : Ingin, keinginan (Wish, desire)
Lubena : Kemurnian (Purity)
Lublubah : Kasih sayang, lembut (Affectionate, tender)
Lubna : Jenis pohon (Kind of tree)
Luja : dari kedalaman besar (of great depth)
Lujain, Lujayn : Perak (Silver)
Lujaina : Perak (Silver)
Lulu : Mutiara (Pearls)
Luluah, Lulwa : Mutiara (Pearl)
Lunah : Kurma (Date palm)
Lutfiyah : Halus, anggun (Delicate, graceful)

Ma'isah : Berjalan dengan gaya berjalan, bangga ayun (Walking with a proud, swinging gait)
Maab : Tempat yang satu kembali (Place to which one returns)
Maahnoor : Cahaya bulan (Glow of Moon)
Maali : Noble hal (Noble things)
Mada : Utmost titik, tingkat (Utmost point, degree)
Madaniyah : Civilised, berbudaya (Civilised, cultured)
Madeeha : Praiseworty (Praiseworty)
Madhat : Pujian (Praise)
Madiha : Terpuji (Praiseworthy)
Madihah : Terpuji (Praiseworthy)
Madihah, Madeeha : Patut dipuji, terpuji (Praiseworthy, commendable)
Maha : Sapi liar; memiliki mata yang indah (Wild cow; has beautiful eyes)
Mahabbah : Cinta, kasih sayang (Love, affection)
Mahasin : Beauties (Beauties)
Mahbasah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Mahbubah : Tercinta (Beloved)
Mahdiya : Benar Dipandu Demi Allah (Rightly Guided By Allah)
Mahdiyah : Mendapat petunjuk (Rightly guided)
Mahek : Fragrance (Fragrance)
Mahfuzah : Yang dilindungi (The protected one)
Mahibah : Mulia, dihormati (Noble, respected)
Mahirah : Adept, Ahli (Adept, Expert)
Mahjabeen : Kuasa (Powerful)
Mahneerah : Pertama lahir dari sepasang (First born of a pair)
Mahnoor : Terang bulan (Light of the moon)
Mahreen : Cerah dan indah saat matahari (Bright and Beautiful as the sun)
Mahrosh : Sepotong bulan, menyenangkan (Piece of moon, pleasant)
Mahum : Moon Light (Moon's Light)
Mahveen : Cahaya Matahari (Light of the Sun)
Mahvish : Bulan-wajah (Moon-face)
Mahwish : Indah seperti bulan (Beautiful like the moon)
Maida : Indah (Beautiful)
Maimoona, Maymunah : Menguntungkan, diberkatilah; istri Nabi (Auspicious, blessed; a wife of the Prophet)
Maira : Moon (Moon)
Maisah, Maisa : Berjalan dengan gaya berjalan, bangga ayun (Walking with a proud, swinging gait)
Maisarah : Kekayaan, Kekayaan (Wealth, Richness)
Maizah : Cerdas (Discerning)
Majidah : Mulia, mulia, terhormat (Glorious, noble, respected)
Majidah, Majida : Mulia (Glorious)
Makarim, Makaarim : Berkelakuan baik dan terhormat (Of good and honorable character)
Makhtooma : Nama penyanyi wanita dari masa lalu (Name of a female singer of the past)
Makhtoonah : Nama penyanyi dan seorang wanita cantik dari masa lalu (Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past)
Makkiyah : Dari Makkah (From Makkah)
Maladh : Perlindungan, tempat tinggal (Protection, shelter)
Malak : Malaikat (Angel)
Malakah : Bakat (Talent)
Malayeka : Angel (Angel)
Maleehah : Asin, Graceful warna, kecoklatan (Salty, Graceful, Brownish colour)
Maliha : Memuji (Praising)
Malika : Ratu (Queen)
Malikah : Ratu (Queen)
Malmal : Lunak (Soft)
Manab : Kekhalifahan, berbagi (Deputyship, share)
Manahil : Mata air segar (Spring of fresh water)
Manal : Pencapaian, prestasi (Attainment, achievement)
Manal, Manaal : Pencapaian, prestasi (Attainment, achievement)
Manar : Memandu cahaya (mercusuar) (Guiding light (lighthouse))
Manar, Manaar : Membimbing cahaya (Guiding light)
Manha : Karunia Allah (Gift of Allah)
Manhalah : Spring (Spring)
Mansurah : Pendukung, menang (Supporter, victorious)
Maqboolah : Seorang wanita mencatat masa lalu memiliki nama ini; Maqboolah Hanim (A noted woman of the past had this name; Maqboolah Hanim)
Marah : Kebahagiaan, sukacita (Happiness, joy)
Maram : Aspirasi (Aspiration)
Maram, Maraam : Aspirasi (Aspiration)
Mardhiah : Orang yang dicintai dan dihormati oleh semua (One who is loved and respected by all)
Maria : Salah satu wifes 'dari Muhammad Nabi (saw) (One of the wifes' of the prophet Muhammed (pbuh))
Mariam, Maryam : Arab bentuk "Maria"; Bunda Yesus (Arabic form of "Mary"; Mother of Jesus)
Maridah : Seorang gadis budak Haroon Rashid memiliki nama ini (A slave girl of Haroon Rashid had this name)
Mariya : Kemurnian (Purity)
Mariyah : Adil kulit; nama istri Nabi (Fair complexion; name of the wife of the Prophet)
Marjanah : Berharga batu (Precious stone)
Marnia : Kaya dalam setiap aspek (Wealthy in every aspect)
Marwa : Sebuah gunung di Mekkah (A mountain in mekkah)
Marwah : sebuah gunung di Mekkah (Al Safa wa al Marwah) (a mountain in Makkah (Al Safa wa al Marwah))
Maryum : Bunda Isa (AS) (Mother of Isa (AS))
Marzuqah : Diberkati oleh Tuhan, beruntung (Blessed by God, fortunate)
Masabeeh : Lampu, Lampu (Lamps, Lights)
Masahir : Kuno Arab kecapi (Ancient Arabic lute)
Masarrah : Delight, sukacita (Delight, joy)
Mashel : Cahaya (Light)
Mashoodah : Terbukti (Evidenced)
Masoomah : Innocent (Innocent)
Mastura : Dilindungi (Protected)
Masudah, Masouda : Happy, beruntung, beruntung (Happy, lucky, fortunate)
Masumah : Innocent (Innocent)
Mateenah : Tegas, padat, ditentukan (Firm, Solid, determined)
Mawaddah : Kasih sayang, cinta, keramahan (Affection, love, friendliness)
Mawahib : Talenta (Talents)
Mawara : Superior (Superior)
Mawiyah : Cermin (The mirror)
Mawiyah, Mawiya : Inti dari kehidupan; cermin yang jelas (The essence of life; clear mirror)
May : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Mayameen : Yang terberkati, yang gagah berani (The blessed, the brave)
Mayeda : Buah dari surga, kain yang Anda makan di Surga (The fruits of heaven, the cloth on which you eat in Heaven)
Maymunah : Beruntung, diberkati, nama istri Nabi (Fortunate, blessed; name of the wife of the Prophet)
Mays, Mais : Bangga kiprah (Proud gait)
Maysa : Untuk berjalan dengan gaya berjalan, bangga ayun (To walk with a proud, swinging gait)
Maysa, Maysaa : Berjalan dengan bangga (Walking with pride)
Maysam : Indah (Beautiful)
Maysan : bintang (a star)
Maysarah : Tangan kiri samping (Left hand side)
Maysoon : Indah wajah & tubuh (Beautiful face & body)
Maysun : Dari wajah cantik dan tubuh (Of beautiful face and body)
Maysun, Maysoon : Untuk berjalan dengan gaya berjalan, bangga ayun (To walk with a proud, swinging gait)
Mayyadah : Untuk berjalan dengan gaya berjalan berayun (To walk with a swinging gait)
Mayyadah, Mayyada : Untuk berjalan dengan gaya berjalan berayun (To walk with a swinging gait)
Mayyasah : Untuk berjalan dengan gaya berjalan bangga (To walk with a proud gait)
Medina : Kota suci Arab Saudi (Holy city of Saudi Arabia)
Mehek : Bau, aroma (Smell, fragrance)
Meher : Kebajikan (Benevolence)
Mehjabeen : Indah sebagai orang, bulan tercinta (Beautiful as the moon, beloved person)
Mehnaz : Prouded seperti bulan (Prouded like a moon)
Mehndi : Indah warna (Beautiful colour)
Mehr : Full Moon (Full Moon)
Mehreen : Mencintai alam (Loving nature)
Mehriban : Jenis, Lembut (Kind, Gentle)
Mehrish : Wonderfull bau (mehak) (Wonderfull smell(mehak))
Mehrnaz : Kebaikan dan rasa manis (Kindness and sweetness)
Mehrunisa : Cantik wanita (Pretty woman)
Mehvesh : Terang bulan (Light of the moon)
Mehvish : Bright Star (Bright Star)
Mehwish : Bulan, indah (Moon, beautiful)
Mersiha : Yang paling indah (The most beautiful)
Meymona : Baik Fortune (Good Fortune)
Mid'haa : Menghargai (Appreciate)
Midhaa : Menghargai (Appreciate)
Midhah : Pujian (Praise)
Mina : sebuah tempat di dekat Mekah (a place near Makkah)
Minaal : Untuk mencapai tujuan Anda (To reach your destination)
Minal : Hadiah, prestasi (Gift, achievement)
Minha : Hibah (Grant)
Minnah : Kebaikan, rahmat, berkat (Kindness, grace, blessing)
Mirah : Provisi, pasokan (Provisions, supply)
Misba : Innocent (Innocent)
Misha : Indah, Pretty (Beautiful, Pretty)
Mishael : Obor, cahaya (Torch, light)
Mishall : Lampu, indah, cantik (A light, beautiful, pretty)
Mishel : Sebuah Cahaya (A Light)
Miskeenah : Rendah hati (Humble)
Mohaddisa : Cerita teller (Story teller)
Mohga : Cahaya kebahagiaan (The light of happiness)
Momina : Setia, Sesungguhnya Percaya (Faithful, Truly Believing)
Mona : Ingin, keinginan (Wish, desire)
Monera : Shinning cahaya, atau membimbing cahaya (Shinning light, or guiding light)
Mouna : Air (Water)
Mounia : Sebuah keinginan atau mimpi menjadi kenyataan (A wish or dream come true)
Mounira : Ini bersinar (It's shining)
Muazah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Muazzaz : Powerfull, kuat (Powerful, strong)
Mubarakah : Mahakudus (Blessed)
Mubashirah : Pembawa kabar baik (Bringer of good news)
Mubassirah : Orang yang komentar (One who comments)
Mubeenah : Salah satu yang membuat sesuatu yang jelas (One who makes something clear)
Mubin : Clear, jelas (Clear, obvious)
Mufiah : Taat, sesuai (Obedient, compliant)
Mufidah, Mufeeda : Berguna, bermanfaat, menguntungkan (Useful, helpful, beneficial)
Muhibbah : Penuh kasih (Loving)
Muhjah, Muhja : Hati darah, jiwa (Hearts blood, soul)
Muhsinah : Amal, baik hati (Charitable, benevolent)
Muizza : Para empowerer, honourer tersebut, penguat tersebut (The empowerer, the honourer, the strengthener)
Mukarram : Terhormat (Honored)
Mukhlisah : Setia, setia (Devoted, faithful)
Mumayyaz : Terhormat (Distinguished)
Mumina : Gadis cantik, manis (Lovely, sweet girl)
Muminah : Saleh percaya (Pious believer)
Muna : Air (Water)
Muna, Mona : Ingin, keinginan (Wish, desire)
Munawar : Cerah (Bright)
Munawwar : Radiant, diterangi (Radiant, illuminated)
Munazzah : Suci, bersih, jujur (Sacred, clean, honest)
Muneerah : Splendid bersinar, terang cahaya, illuminous (Splendid, bright shine of light, illuminous)
Munerah : Llluminating, Shining (Illuminating, Shining)
Muniba : Untuk berkonsultasi dengan Allah, dialihkan menuju Allah (To consult with Allah, diverted toward Allah)
Munira : Cahaya, sinar matahari (Light, sunshine)
Munirah, Muneera : Llluminating, brilian (Illuminating, brilliant)
Munisa : Lembut, ramah (Gentle, friendly)
Munisah : Ramah (Friendly)
Muntaha : The, tingkat paling tertinggi (The utmost, highest degree)
Muqadaas : Kudus, Murni (Holy, Pure)
Muqbalah : Nama narator Hadis (Name of a narrator of Hadith)
Murdiyyah : Terpilih satu (Chosen one)
Murjanah : Kecil mutiara (Small pearl)
Murshidah : Panduan (Guide)
Muruj : Meadows (Meadows)
Musaddiqah : Salah satu yang menegaskan Kebenaran (One who affirms the Truth)
Musaykah : Dia meriwayatkan hadits dari Sayyidina Ayshah (She narrated hadith from Sayyidina Ayshah)
Mushirah, Musheera : Memberi nasihat, memberi nasihat (Giving counsel, advising)
Muskan : Senyum, Happy (Smile, Happy)
Muslimah : Taat beriman; menyerahkan diri kepada Allah (Devout believer; submitting oneself to God)
Musn : Hujan, awan (Rain, clouds)
Musnah : Hujan, awan (Rain, clouds)
Mussah : Dia meriwayatkan Hadis (She narrated Hadith)
Mussaret : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Musta'eenah : Satu yang berdoa untuk bantuan (One who prays for help)
Mutahharah : Dimurnikan, suci (Purified, chaste)
Mutazah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Muyassar : Difasilitasi, kaya, sukses (Facilitated, wealthy, successful)
Muzaynah : Perhiasan (Adornment)
Muznah : Awan yang membawa hujan (The cloud that carries the rain)
Mysha : Selamat untuk seluruh kehidupan (Happy for entire life)

Na'eemah : Joyful (Joyful)
Na'ilah : Acquirer, OBTAINER, pemenang (Acquirer, obtainer, winner)
Na'imah : Kenyamanan, ketenangan (Comfort, tranquillity)
Naa'irah : Bright, Cemerlang (Bright, Shining)
Naaz : Kebanggaan, keanggunan (Pride, elegance)
Naazneen : Indah (Beautiful)
Naba : Berita besar (Great News)
Nabeeha : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Nabeelah : Noble (Noble)
Nabiha : Terkemuka, mulia, waspada, cerdas (Eminent, noble, alert, intelligent)
Nabihah : Cerdas, mulia, terkemuka (Intelligent, noble, eminent)
Nabihah, Nabeeha : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Nabijah : Ambisius, Leader dan Brave (Ambitious, Leader and Brave)
Nabila : Kebahagiaan, kemurahan hati (Happiness, generosity)
Nabilah : Mulia, murah hati (Noble, magnanimous)
Nabilah, Nabeela : Mulia (Noble)
Nada : Generousity, embun (Generousity, dew)
Nadia : basah (dewy)
Nadidah, Nadeeda : Sama, saingan (Equal, rival)
Nadimah : Teman (Friend)
Nadirah : Langka, berharga (Rare, precious)
Nadirah, Nadira : Langka, berharga (Rare, precious)
Nadiyah : Pengumuman (Announcement)
Nadra : Langka, unik (Rare, unique)
Nadwah, Nadwa : Dewan, kedermawanan (Council, generosity)
Nadyne : Bunga (Flower)
Naeema : Enaknya, berkat (Ease, blessing)
Nafeesa : Berharga (Precious)
Nafiah : Menguntungkan (Profitable)
Nafisah : Berharga permata (Precious gem)
Nafisah, Nafeesa : Hal mulia, permata (Precious thing, gem)
Naflah : Surplus, meluap-luap (Surplus, overabundance)
Nageenah : Berharga Batu (Precious Stone)
Nagheen : Pearl (Pearl)
Nagina : Diamond (Diamond)
Nahal : Tanaman kecil (Small Plant)
Naheed : Terhormat (Honorable)
Nahid : Satu dengan penuh, payudara bulat (One with full, round breasts)
Nahida : Tinggi, menyenangkan (Elevated, delightful)
Nahidah, Naheeda : Besar (Big)
Nahla : Minum (Drink)
Nahlah, Nahla : Minuman air (A drink of water)
Nahleejah : Turun ke bumi, keren (Down to earth, cool)
Naifah : kebaikan dan kemurahan hati (kindness and generosity)
Nailah : Salah satu yang berhasil (One who succeeds)
Nailah, Naila : Acquirer, OBTAINER, seseorang yang berhasil (Acquirer, obtainer, one who succeeds)
Naimah, Naima : Kenyamanan, kemudahan, ketenangan, kedamaian, hidup, lembut menyenangkan (Comfort, amenity, tranquility, peace; living a soft, enjoyable life)
Nain : Mata (Eye)
Naina : Mata (Eyes)
Naira : Shinning, berkilauan (Shinning, glittering)
Najaf : Kota di irak (City in iraq)
Najah : Sukses, keselamatan (Success, safety)
Najah, Najaah : Sukses (Success)
Najat : Keselamatan (Safety)
Najdah : Keberanian, keberanian (Courage, bravery)
Najibah : Kelahiran mulia, dibedakan (Of noble birth, distinguished)
Najibah, Najeeba : Dibedakan; yang terpandang (Distinguished; of noble birth)
Najidah : Succour, Bantuan (Succour, Help)
Najihah : Kemenangan (Victory)
Najiyah : Aman (Safe)
Najla : Dari mata lebar (Of wide eyes)
Najmah : Bintang (Star)
Najwa : Rahasia bicara, bicara romantis, percakapan rahasia (Confidential talk, romantic talk, secret conversation)
Najya : Jaya (Victorious)
Nakhat : Fragrance (Fragrance)
Namar : Nama gunung (Name of a mountain)
Namyla : Tenang, Berat (Quiet, Serious)
Naqeebah : Pemimpin, Kepala, Kepala (Leader, Head, Chief)
Naraiman : Saleh malaikat (Pious angel)
Nargis : Narcissus (Narcissus)
Narjis : Narsisis (Narcissus)
Narmin : Sebuah bunga, halus, lembut, ramping (A flower, delicate, soft, slender)
Naseeka : Nusuk (arab pengorbanan), sepotong emas (Nusuk (arabic sacrifice), piece of gold)
Naseemah : Breeze (Breeze)
Naseerah : Helper (Helper)
Nasha : Aroma, parfum (Scent, perfume)
Nasheed : Indah satu (Beautiful one)
Nasheelah : Madu sisir (Honey comb)
Nashema : Wise, Blossom (Wise, Blossom)
Nashida : Mahasiswa (Student)
Nashirah : Penerbit, Diffuser; Spreader (Publisher, Diffuser; Spreader)
Nashita : Energik, penuh dengan kehidupan (Energetic, full of life)
Nashitah : Aktif, energik (Active, energetic)
Nashmia : Taman bunga (Garden of flowers)
Nashwa : Fragrance, parfum, yang meracuni (Fragrance, perfume, that which intoxicates)
Nasifah : Hanya, adil (Just, equitable)
Nasiha : Orang yang memberikan nasihat berharga (One who gives valuable advice)
Nasihah : Advisor (Advisor)
Nasim : Udara segar, angin (Fresh air, breeze)
Nasimah : Lembut angin, angin sepoi-sepoi (Gentle breeze, zephyr)
Nasira : Menang, pembantu (Victorious, helper)
Nasirah : Penolong, pelindung (Helper, protector)
Nasmah : Angin sepoi-sepoi (Breeze)
Nasra : Helper (Helper)
Nasreen : Wild Rose (Wild Rose)
Nasrin : Eglantier (Eglantier)
Nasrullah : Kemenangan Allah (Victory of Allah)
Natasha : Kuat (Strong)
Nathifa : Bersih, murni (Clean, pure)
Naureen : Terang cahaya (Bright light)
Naushaba : Elixir (Elixir)
Nausheen : Manis, menyenangkan, menyenangkan (Sweet, pleasant, agreeable)
Naveen : Baru, Bagus, Sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada yang lain (New, Excellent, Something that is better than the rest)
Navil : Untuk diberkati (To be blessed)
Nawal : Hadiah (Gift)
Nawar : Bunga, salah satu perbuatan buruk yang tidak disukai (Flower; one who dislikes bad deeds)
Naweed : Kabar baik (Good news)
Nawel : Hadiah (Gift)
Nawlah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Nawrah : Blossom, bunga, kebahagiaan (Blossom, flower, happiness)
Nawwal : Hadiah (Gift)
Nawwar : Mei (May)
Nayyab : Sangat Langka, eksklusif (Very Rare, Exclusive)
Nayyirah : Termasyhur (Luminary)
Nazahah, Nazaaha : Kemurnian, kebenaran, kejujuran (Purity, righteousness, honesty)
Nazeefah : Bersihkan (Clean)
Nazeerah : Warner (Warner)
Nazia : Bangga (Pride)
Nazihah, Nazeeha : Jujur (Honest)
Nazimah : Administrator (Administrator)
Nazirah : Pengamat, pengawas (Observer, supervisor)
Nazirah, Nazeera : Seperti, sama, cocok (Like, equal, matching)
Nazish : Wewangian, Bangga (Fragrance, Proud)
Nazmin : Cahaya (Light)
Nazneen : Indah (Beautiful)
Nazuk : Delicate (Delicate)
Neelam : Sapphire (Sapphire)
Neelofer : Lotus, Water Lily (Lotus, Water Lily)
Neeshad : Ceria (Cheerful)
Neha : Cinta, hujan (Love, rain)
Nejat : Kebebasan, bebas stres (Freedom, stress free)
Nelam : Berharga batu (Precious stone)
Nelofar : Lotus, Air lily (Lotus, Water lily)
Nesrin : Sebuah bidang mawar liar (A field of wild roses)
Ni'ja : Tersimpan One (Saved One)
Ni'mah : Blessing, meminjamkan, nikmat (Blessing, loan, favour)
Nibal, Nibaal : Panah (Arrows)
Nibras : Lampu, cahaya (Lamp, light)
Nida : Memanggil (Call)
Nidaa : Menelepon (Call)
Nidda : Menelepon (Call)
Nigar : Indah (Beautiful)
Nighat : Visi, penglihatan (Vision, sight)
Nihad : Tinggi (Height)
Nihal : Minum (Drink)
Nijah : Sukses (Success)
Nilofar : Bunga teretai (Waterlily)
Nilofer : Gunung Wild Rose (Wild Mountain Rose)
Nimah, Naeema : Blessing, pinjaman (Blessing, loan)
Nimat : Berkat (Blessing)
Nimat, Nimaat : Berkah, pinjaman (Blessings, loans)
Nimra : Lembut, Lion (Soft, Lion)
Nina : Satu Pemurah (Gracious One)
Nisa : Perempuan (Women)
Nisha : Seluruh Dunia (Whole World)
Nishat : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Nisreen : Bunga (Flower)
Nisrin : Jenis tanaman aromatik (Kind of aromatic plant)
Nissa : Anggun (Ladylike)
Niyaf : Tinggi dan cukup (Tall and pretty)
Noor Jehan : Sebuah Ratu India memiliki nama ini (An Indian Queen had this name)
Noor, Nur : Cahaya (Light)
Noor-Al-Haya : Terang hidup saya (Light of my life)
Nora : Cahaya (Light)
Noreen : Menyenangkan, cerah (Lovable, bright)
Norhan : Cahaya (Light)
Noshaba : Elixir, air kehidupan (Elixir, water of life)
Nosheen : Hal manis (Sweet Thing)
Nouf : Titik tertinggi di gunung (Highest point on a mountain)
Noureen : Cahaya (Light)
Nu'aymah : Nama narator hadits (Name of a narrator of hadith)
Nudar, Nudhar : Emas (Gold)
Nudbah : Ratapan, Scar, Markus (Lament, Scar; Mark)
Nudrat : Singularity (Singularity)
Nuha : Intelijen (Intelligence)
Nuhaa : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Nujud, Nojood : Mulia, bijaksana (Noble, wise)
Numa : Indah dan menyenangkan, kebahagiaan (Beautiful and pleasant; happiness)
Nunah : Lesung pipit di dagu (Dimple in the chin)
Nur al Huda : Cahaya iman (Light of the faith)
Nura : Lampu, misalnya nurul islam, cahaya islam (The light, eg nurul islam, the light of islam)
Nurah : Cahaya (Light)
Nurah, Noorah : Corolla, bunga (Corolla, blossom)
Nuriyah : Radiant, brilian (Radiant, brilliant)
Nurjenna : Terang surga (Light of Paradise)
Nuryn : Cahaya (Light)
Nusaibah, Nusaybah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Nusaybah : Satu dengan garis keturunan yang baik (One with good lineage)
Nusrah : Membantu (Helpful)
Nusrat : Bantuan, Victory (Help, Victory)
Nuwairah, Nuwayrah : Kecil api (Small fire)
Nuwwar : Blossoms, bunga (Blossoms, flowers)
Nuwwarrah : Mekar, bunga (Blossom, flower)
Nuzhah : Perjalanan kesenangan, promenade (Pleasure trip, promenade)
Nuzhat : Keceriaan (Cheerfulness)
Nyasia : Paling indah satu (Most beautiful one)
Nyla : Pemenang, Berprestasi (Winner, Achiever)

Omera : Satu yang dimiliki kepribadian yang inspiratif dan besar, menikmati memiliki sikap positif (One who posses an inspiring and great personality, enjoys having a positive attitude)

Pakeezah : Murni (Pure)
Parveen : Sangat Mulia (Very Noble)

Qabalah : Tanggung jawab (Responsibility)
Qabilah : Menyetujui (Consenting)
Qabool : Diterima (Accepted)
Qadr : Nasib, takdir (Fate, destiny)
Qadriyah : percaya pada Tuhan akan (to believe in Gods will)
Qadriyyah : Kuat (Strong)
Qailah : Orang yang berbicara (One who speaks)
Qamar : Purnama (Full moon)
Qamayr : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Qaniah : Berpendapat (Contended)
Qaraah : Mega kecil (Cloudlet)
Qarasafahl : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Qareebah : Dekat (Near)
Qasoomah : Dia penyair a (She was a poetess)
Qaylah : Dua wanita sahabat memiliki nama ini (Two women companions had this name)
Qaymayriyah : Dia adalah seorang mahasiswa Hadis (She was a student of Hadith)
Qaysar : Sebuah nama perempuan (A name of women)
Qindeel : Cahaya (Light)
Qirat : Indah Zikir (Beautiful Recitation)
Qisaf : Rapuh (Brittle)
Qismah : Takdir, nasib, ditahbiskan oleh Allah (Destiny, fate, ordained by God)
Qiyyama : Berdirilah untuk Allah (Stand for Allah)
Quadriyyah : Kuat (Strong)
Qubilah : Kerukunan (Concord)
Quddusiyyah : Suci, saleh (Sacred, Pious)
Qudsiyah : Mulia, suci (Glorious, sacred)
Quraybah : Utricle (Utricle)
Qurratul Ayn : Nikmat mata, Sayang (Delights of the eye, darling)
Qutaylah : Dia pendamping (She was a companion)
Qutayyah : Dia adalah seorang mahasiswa Hadis (She was a student of Hadith)

Raameen : Patuh (Obedient)
Rabab : Putih awan (White cloud)
Rabeea : Musim semi, taman (Springtime, garden)
Rabia : Spring, musim semi (Spring, Springtime)
Rabiah, Rabeea : Taman, musim semi (Garden, springtime)
Rabitah : Bond, dasi (Bond, tie)
Rabiya : Putri, Ratu (Princess, Queen)
Rabiyah : Bukit (Hill)
Radeyah : Konten, puas (Content, satisfied)
Radiyah, Radhiya : Konten, puas (Content, satisfied)
Radwa, Radhwaa : sebuah gunung di Madinah (a mountain in Medina)
Raeesah : Putri; wanita Noble (Princess; Noble lady)
Rafa, Rafa : Kebahagiaan, kemakmuran (Happiness, prosperity)
Rafah : Menyenangkan hidup, mewah (Pleasant, luxurious life)
Rafah, Rafat : Rahmat (Mercy)
Rafal : untuk jejak pakaian (to trail a garment)
Rafeeqah : Teman; Soft-hati (Friend; Soft-hearted)
Rafia : Tinggi, Sublime (High, Sublime)
Rafiah : Luhur, indah (Sublime, exquisite)
Rafidah : Mendukung (Support)
Rafif : untuk bersinar, berkilau (to gleam, shimmer)
Rafiqah : Teman, teman (Friend, companion)
Raghad : Menyenangkan (Pleasant)
Raghad or Raghda : Nyaman (Pleasant)
Raghibah : Menginginkan, berkeinginan (Desiring, desirous)
Raghidah : Nyaman (Pleasant)
Raha : Tenang (Peaceful)
Rahaf : Halus, baik (Delicate, fine)
Raheemah : Penyayang (Merciful)
Rahila : Satu yang bepergian (One who travels)
Rahilah : Satu yang bepergian (One who travels)
Rahimah : Penyayang, penuh kasih (Merciful, compassionate)
Rahiq : Madu bunga (Nectar)
Rahma : Mercy (Mercy)
Rahmaa : Untuk kasihanilah (To have mercy upon)
Rahmah : Rahmat (Mercy)
Raidah : Pemimpin, perintis (Leader, pioneer)
Raidah, Raaida : Pemimpin (Leader)
Raifah : Penyayang (Merciful)
Raihana : Keharuman mawar (The fragrance of a rose)
Raima : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Raiqah : Jelas, Murni, tidak terganggu (Clear, Pure, Undisturbed)
Raitah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Raja, Raja : Berharap (Hope)
Rajiyah : Berharap, dengan penuh harapan (Hoping, full of hope)
Rameesha : Sekelompok mawar (A bunch of roses)
Ramia : Pengirim (Sender)
Ramlah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Ramsha : Wajah seperti bulan (Face like moon)
Ramzia : Hadiah (Gift)
Ramziyah : Simbolis (Symbolic)
Rana : Untuk menatap, melihat (To gaze, look)
Rand : Bay laurel (Bay laurel)
Randa : Pohon aroma yang baik (Tree of good scent)
Rania : Ratu (Queen)
Ranim, Raneem : Untuk membaca dengan suara bernyanyi lagu (To recite in a sing song voice)
Raniyah, Raniya : Menatap (Gazing)
Ranya : Conquerer (Conquerer)
Rasha : Muda kijang (Young gazelle)
Rashad : Lurus (Straight)
Rasheedah : Cerdas satu, Sober (Intelligent one, Sober)
Rashida : Cerdas, Sober (Intelligent, Sober)
Rashidah, Rasheeda : Bijaksana, dewasa (Wise, mature)
Rasmiyah : Resmi, formal (Official, formal)
Rawah : Pesona, keindahan, kemegahan (Charm, beauty, splendor)
Rawdah, Rawdha : Taman (Garden)
Rawhah : Senang (Nice)
Rawhiyah : Kerohanian (Spirituality)
Rawiah, Raawiya : Transmitter dari puisi Arab kuno (Transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry)
Raya : Kenyang dengan minuman (Sated with drink)
Rayann : Its pintu surga yang terbuka di bulan ramadhan (Its the door of heaven that opens in the month of ramadhan)
Rayhanah : Aromatik manis kemangi (Aromatic sweet basil)
Rayya : Cahaya (Light)
Rayya, Rayyaa : Kenyang dengan minuman (Sated with drink)
Razaanah : Orang yang tenang (One who is calm)
Razan : Seimbang (Balanced)
Razan, Razaan : Kepekaan dan rasa hormat (Sensibility and respect)
Razia : Konten, Puas (Content, Satisfied)
Reeha : Air (Air)
Reem : Gazelle indah (Beautiful Gazelle)
Reema : Putih antalope (White antalope)
Reham : Hujan turun (Rain drops)
Rehana : Sebuah handfull selasih (A handfull of sweet basil)
Rehemat : Hadiah (Gift)
Reja : Baik berita (Good News)
Reshma : Emas Sutra, Mahal (Golden Silk, Expensive)
Reyah : Kenyamanan (Comfort)
Reyhana : Manis berbau bunga surga (Sweet smelling flower of paradise)
Rida : Disukai oleh Allah (Favored by God)
Rifaat : Ketinggian, Tinggi, Tinggi (Altitude, Height, High)
Riffat : Tinggi (High)
Rihab : Luasnya, hamparan (Vastness, expanse)
Riham : Tahan hujan, baik (Lasting, fine rain)
Rihana : Selasih (Sweet basil)
Rija : Keinginan, Harapan (Desire, Hope)
Rijja : Surga kecantikan (Heavens beauty)
Rim, Reem : Gazelle (Gazelle)
Rima, Reema : Putih kijang (White antelope)
Rimsha : Seikat bunga (Bunch of flowers)
Rizqin : Baik keberuntungan (Good fortune)
Rizwana : Indah, Guardian dari surga (Beautiful, Guardian of heaven)
Rohaan : Sebuah sungai di surga (A river in paradise)
Romana : Delima, Buah dari surga (Pomegranate; The fruit of Paradise)
Romeesa : Surga kecantikan (Heavens beauty)
Rona : Bersinar cahaya (Shining light)
Roshini : Light, noor (Light, noor)
Rua : Mimpi, visi (Dreams, visions)
Ruaa : Tak bisa dilihat (Invisable)
Rubaa : Bukit, tinggi (Hills, height)
Rubaba : Rose (Rose)
Rubadah : Abu berwarna (Ash colored)
Rubi : Merah permata (Red gem)
Rubina : Diberkati dengan cinta, air terjun (Blessed with love, waterfall)
Rubiya : Musim semi musim (Spring season)
Rudainah, Rudaynah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Rufaidah, Rufaydah : Mendukung (Support)
Ruhee : Jiwa, bunga, yang menyentuh hati (Soul, a flower, who touches the heart)
Ruhina : Manis fragrence (Sweet fragrence)
Rukan : Mantap, percaya diri (Steady, confident)
Rukayat : orang yang mencintai Allah (one who Allah loves)
Rukhsana : Indah (Beautiful)
Rukhsar : Pipi (Cheek)
Ruksha : Indah (Beautiful)
Rumailah, Rumaylah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Rumaisa : Seikat bunga (Bunch of flowers)
Rumaithah, Rumaythah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Rumana : Romantis, mencintai (Romantic, loving)
Rumeha : Indah Batu (Beautiful Stone)
Ruqaya : Putri Nabi (SAW) (Daughter of the Prophet (SAW))
Ruqayya : Lembut, nama putri Nabi (SAW) (Gentle; name of the daughter of the Prophet (SAW))
Ruqayyah : Putri dari Muhammad Nabi (SAW) (The daughter of the prophet Muhammed (SAW))
Ruqayyah, Ruqayya : Lembut, nama putri Nabi (Gentle; name of the daughter of the Prophet)
Rushd : Masuk akal perilaku (Sensible conduct)
Ruwaidah, Ruwaydah : Berjalan lembut (Walking gently)
Ruyah : Mimpi, visi (Dream, vision)

Saadia : Lucky (Lucky)
Saadiya : Bunga (Flower)
Saaleha : Bunga (Flower)
Saaliha : Murni pios dan setia (Pure pios and devoted)
Saba : Sheba, sebuah kota di Yaman (Sheba, a town in Yemen)
Sabaa : angin bagus (a nice wind)
Sabah : Pagi (Morning)
Sabburah : Sangat sabar, abadi (Very patient, enduring)
Sabeen : Dingin angin pagi (Cool breeze of the morning)
Sabeeyah : Bayi perempuan (Baby girl)
Sabiha : Indah (Beautiful)
Sabihah : Indah (Beautiful)
Sabina : Bunga (Flower)
Sabiqah : Terakhir (Past)
Sabirah : Pasien, gigih (Patient, perseverant)
Sabirah, Saabira : Pasien (Patient)
Sabr : Kesabaran kontrol, diri (Patience, self control)
Sabrina : Mawar putih (White rose)
Sabriyah : Pasien (Patient)
Sabuhi : Bintang timur (Morning Star)
Sadad : Tepat hal yang harus dilakukan, tangan beruntung (Right thing to do, lucky hand)
Sadaf : Shell, tiram, Pearl (Shell, Oyster, Pearl)
Sadah : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Sadiah : Selamat mencoba (Good luck)
Sadiqah : Jujur, tulus (Truthful, sincere)
Sadiyah : Beruntung (Fortunate)
Sadoof : Nama penyair a (Name of a poetess)
Saeedah : Beruntung, Menguntungkan (Fortunate, Auspicious)
Safa : Murni (Pure)
Safaa : Kejelasan, kemurnian, ketenangan, nama sebuah bukit di Makkah (Clarity, purity, serenity; name of a hill in Makkah)
Safeerah : Messenger; Duta Besar (Messenger; Ambassador)
Saffanah : Mutiara (Pearl)
Saffiya : Terbaik freind (Best freind)
Safia : Murni (Pure)
Safiyya : Sahabat (Best friend)
Safiyyah : Tak terganggu, tenang, murni teman, terbaik (Untroubled, serene, pure, best friend)
Safiyyah, Safiya : Tak terganggu, tenang, murni teman, terbaik, istri Nabi (Untroubled, serene, pure, best friend; wife of the Prophet)
Safoorah : Istri Nabi Musa (AS) (Wife of Prophet Musa (AS))
Safun : Breezing (Breezing)
Safwah : Sebuah nama feminin Arab (An Arab feminine name)
Safwana : Sebuah Shining Star, Rock (A Shining Star, Rock)
Sageda : Sageda adalah (Sageda is )
Sagheerah : Pendek (Short)
Sahar : Fajar (Dawn)
Sahibah : Rekan (Colleague)
Sahirah : Terjaga (Wakeful)
Sahlah : Mudah, nyaman (Easy, convenient)
Sahlah, Sahla : Halus, lembut, lancar, mengalir (Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing)
Sahrish : Sunrise (Sunrise)
Saibah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Saida : Terindah, tak tertandingi, friendly (Most Beautiful, unmatched, friendly)
Saidah : Happy beruntung (Happy, fortunate)
Saihah : Baik, berguna (Good, useful)
Saila : Sunshine (Sunshine)
Saima : Terus puasa (Keeps fasts)
Saimah : Puasa (Fasting)
Saiqa : Petir (Lightning)
Saira : Happy (Happy)
Sairah : Satu yang bepergian (One who travels)
Sairish : Magic, bunga (Magic, flower)
Saja : harus tenang dan tenang (to be calm and quiet)
Sajidah : Bersujud kepada Allah (Prostrating to God)
Sakeenah : Tenang, tenang dan tenang (Calm, quiet and tranquil)
Sakina : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Sakinah : Allah-terinspirasi ketenangan pikiran (Allah-inspired peace of mind)
Sakinah, Sakeena : Allah yang diilhami ketenangan pikiran, ketenangan (God inspired peace of mind, tranquility)
Saleemah : Sehat, Sound (Healthy, Sound)
Salifah : Sebelumnya (Previous)
Salihah : Benar, menyenangkan (Correct, agreeable)
Salikah : Berikut; Mystic (Following; Mystic)
Salimah : Suara, aman, sehat (Sound, safe, healthy)
Salimah, Saleema : Damai, sempurna, sempurna, aman, sehat (Peaceful, flawless, faultless, safe, healthy)
Salma : Damai, aman, sehat, istri Nabi (Peaceful, safe, healthy; a wife of the Prophet)
Salmaa : Damai (Peaceful)
Salsabil : Sebuah air mancur di Surga (A fountain in Paradise)
Salsabil, Salsabeel : Musim semi di Jannah (Spring in Jannah)
Salwa : Solace; puyuh (Solace; quail)
Samaa : Sky (Sky)
Samah : Kedermawanan (Generosity)
Samah, Samaah : Kemurahan hati (Generosity)
Samaira : Memikat (Enchanting)
Samar : Malam percakapan (Evening conversation)
Samarah : Lembut cahaya (Soft light)
Samawah : Summit, tinggi (Summit, height)
Sameea : Salah satu yang mendengarkan (One who listens)
Sameeha : Dermawan berkat Allah (Generous blessing of Allah)
Sameen : Berharga (Precious)
Sameenah : Kelebihan berat badan, lemak (Overweight, fat)
Sameh : Pengampun (Forgiver)
Sameya : Murni (Pure)
Samia : Ta'ala, mulia, banyak dipuji (Exalted, noble, much praised)
Samiah : Forgivness atau pemberi ampun (Forgivness or forgiver)
Samihah, Sameeha : Murah hati (Generous)
Samina : Berharga, Dermawan (Precious, Generous)
Samira : Menelepon (Call)
Samirah : Menghibur teman wanita (Entertaining female companion)
Samirah, Sameera : Menghibur teman wanita (Entertaining female companion)
Samiun : Mendengar (The Hearing)
Samiya : Untuk mendengar (To hear)
Samiyah : Tinggi, mulia, luhur (Elevated, exalted, lofty)
Samiyah, Saamiya : Tinggi, exhalted, tinggi (Elevated, exhalted, lofty)
Sammar : Buah (Fruit)
Samra : Lembut warna, cahaya kecokelatan (Soft, light tanned color)
Samrah : Nama buah, ditulis dalam 24 kali Quran (Name of a fruit, written in the Quran 24 times)
Sana : Kemewahan, kecemerlangan, untuk menatap, lihat (Resplendence, brilliance; to gaze, look)
Sana, Sanaa : Eminence, keagungan, Brilliance, kemegahan (Eminence, sublimity, Brilliance, splendor)
Sanam : Kekasih (Beloved)
Sanari : Manis dan Indah (Sweet and Beautiful)
Sanaubar : Cone bantalan pohon (Cone bearing tree)
Sanika : Kuat berpikiran, hangat hati (Strong minded, warm hearted)
Saniyah : Kemewahan, kecerdasan (Resplendence, brilliance)
Sanjeedah : Berat (Serious)
Sara : Princess (Princess)
Sarah : Nama istri Nabi Ibrahim (Name of the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim)
Sarina : Perdamaian (Peace)
Sarish : Pagi (Morning)
Sarra : Dia adalah seorang teman wanita (She was a female companion)
Sarrinah : Indah, sahabat nabi (SAW) (Beautiful, companion of prophet (SAW))
Sarwari : Officer (Chief)
Sarwat : Kekayaan, Kekuasaan, Pengaruh (Wealth, Power, Influence)
Sarwath : Kekayaan, kekayaan (Wealth, riches)
Sauda, Sawdah : Istri Nabi (Wife of the Prophet)
Sawdah : Seorang istri Nabi (SAW) (A wife of the Prophet (SAW))
Sawsan : Lily dari lembah (Lily of the valley)
Sayyidah : Lady, wanita (Lady, woman)
Seemeen : Nama beberapa wanita (Name of some women)
Seerat : Dalam kecantikan, ketenaran (Inner beauty, fame)
Sehr : Sunrise (Sunrise)
Sehrish : Matahari terbit (The sunrise)
Selina : Bulan, asin (Moon, Salty)
Senada : Anggun, surgawi (Graceful, heavenly)
Senait : Good Luck (Good Luck)
Sfiyah : Adil (Righteous)
Shabana : Terkenal (Famous)
Shabeehah : Gambar, Foto, Suka (Picture, Image, Like)
Shabina : Mata badai (The eye of the storm)
Shabnam : Dew (Dew)
Shadan : Muda kijang (Young gazelle)
Shadha : Aromatik (Aromatic)
Shadha, Shadhaa : Aroma (Aroma)
Shadhiyah : Aromatik (Aromatic)
Shadiyah : Penyanyi (Singer)
Shadmani : Joy, kebahagiaan (Joy, happiness)
Shafana : Integritas dan bajik (Integrity and Virtuous)
Shafaq : Dawn Kemerahan di langit saat matahari terbenam (Dawn Redness in the sky at sunset)
Shafath : Curing atau menyembuhkan orang (Curing or healing people)
Shafeeqah : Semacam penuh kasih teman hati (A compassionate kind hearted friend)
Shafia : Mercy (Mercy)
Shafiah : Pendoa syafaat (Intercessor)
Shafiqah : Penuh kasih, simpatik (Compassionate, sympathetic)
Shahada : Bersaksi (Bearing witness)
Shahana : Ratu (Queen)
Shahd : Sayang, sarang lebah (Honey, honeycomb)
Shahed : Madu (Honey)
Shaheenah : Falcon (Falcon)
Shaheerah : Terkenal (Well-known)
Shahida : Saksi (Witness)
Shahidah : Menyaksikan (Witness)
Shahina : Princess (Princess)
Shahirah : Terkenal, terkenal (Well known, famous)
Shahla : Gelap bunga, mata abu-abu gelap (Dark flower, Dark grey eyes)
Shahlah : Blush (Blush)
Shahnaaz : Kebanggaan raja (Pride of the king)
Shahnaz : Bride (Bride)
Shahnoor : Kerajaan Glow (Royal Glow)
Shahrazad : Teller dari "Kisah 1001 Malam" (Teller of "Tales of 1,001 Nights")
Shahzaadee : Princess (Princess)
Shaila : Kecil gunung (Small mountain)
Shairah : Penyair (Poetess)
Shaista : Sopan (Polite)
Shaistah : Sopan, sopan (Polite, Courteous)
Shajarah : Pohon (Tree)
Shajee'ah : Berani (Brave)
Shakeelah : Cantik, indah (Comely, beautiful)
Shakila : Cantik (Pretty)
Shakirah : Berterimakasih (Thankful)
Shakurah : Bersyukur, sangat bersyukur (Grateful, very thankful)
Shalimar : Indah & Kuat (Beautiful & Strong)
Shama : Lampu (Lamp)
Shamailah : Baik sifat disposisi yang sangat baik (Good traits excellent disposition)
Shamamah : Fragrance (Fragrance)
Shameemah : Angin sepoi harum (A fragrant breeze)
Shamila : Salah satu sifat ramah dan menyenangkan (One of friendly and likable nature)
Shamilah : Lengkap, komprehensif (Complete, comprehensive)
Shamima : Wangi angin (Fragrant breeze)
Shamis : Matahari (The sun)
Shamoodah : Diamond (Diamond)
Shams : Matahari (Sun)
Shamsa : Sunshine (Sunshine)
Shamsia : Cantik, Shining Star, Satu dan hanya (Beautiful, Shining Star, One and only)
Shanaz : Kebanggaan Raja (Pride of King)
Shanika : Bagus (Good)
Shanum : Allah SWT berkat, martabat (Allahs blessing, dignity)
Shaqeeqah : Nyata adik (Real sister)
Shareekah : Mitra (Partner)
Shareen : Manis (Sweet)
Sharifah : Mulia, terhormat, dibedakan (Noble, honoured, distinguished)
Sharifah, Shareefa, Sherrifah : Mulia, terhormat (Noble, honored)
Shariqah : Bersinar (Shining)
Sharmeela : Shy (Shy)
Sharmeen : Shy (Shy)
Sharmin : Kesopanan (Modesty)
Shasmeen : Sangat indah, hati emas, dapat dipercaya, malaikat, sempurna (Very beautiful, a heart of gold , trustworthy, an angel , perfect)
Shatha : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Shawq : Kerinduan (Longing)
Shayla : Sedikit gunung (Little mountain)
Shayma : Memiliki tempat kecantikan (Having a beauty spot)
Shayma, Shaymaa : untuk melihat keluar (to look out)
Shazana : Princess (Princess)
Shazfa : Sukses (Success)
Shazia : Aromatik (Aromatic)
Shazmah : Langka bulan (Rare moon)
Sheenaz : Kecantikan (Beauty)
Shehla : Jenis bunga (Kind of a flower)
Shehr bano : Princess (Princess)
Shehzadi : Princess (Princess)
Sheila : Sedikit gunung (Little mountain)
Shellah : Truely, Jenis orang, Indah (Truely, Kind person , Beautiful)
Sheyla : Pine pohon (Pine tree)
Sheza : Baik (agama) gadis (Good (religious) girl)
Shezan : Indah (Beautiful)
Shifa : Curing, penyembuhan (Curing, healing)
Shihaam : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Shillan : Sebuah bunga (A flower)
Shimah : Alam, kebiasaan (Nature, habit)
Shimaz : Kekasih (Beloved)
Shireen : Manis (Sweet)
Shiya : Luar biasa (Exceptional)
Shiyam : Alam, karakter (Nature, character)
Shiza : Sebuah hadiah atau hadir (A gift or present)
Shu'a : Sinar cahaya Matahari (Rays of Sun light)
Shudun : Powerfull, lurus (Powerful, straight)
Shuhda : Sayang, sarang lebah (Honey, honeycomb)
Shuhrah : Ketenaran, reputasi (Fame, reputation)
Shujana : Berani, kuat (Brave, strong)
Shukrah : Rasa syukur (Thankfulness)
Shukriyah : Terima kasih (Of thanks)
Shumaila : Wajah cantik (Beautiful face)
Shumaysah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Shurafa : Noble (Noble)
Shurooq : Dawn, Sunrise (Dawn, Sunrise)
Shuruq : Rising, bersinar (Rising, shining)
Sibal, Sibaal : Mata dengan bulu mata panjang (Eyes with long lashes)
Siddiqah : Tegak, sangat jujur (Upright, very truthful)
Siddra : Seperti Star a (Like a Star)
Sidra : Pohon (Tree)
Sidrah : Nama pohon (Name of a tree)
Siham : Panah (Arrows)
Siham, Sihaam : Panah (Arrows)
Simah : Tanda, karakteristik, ekspresi (Sign, characteristic, expression)
Simra : Surga, putri (Heaven, princess)
Simrah : Jannat (surga) (Jannat (heaven))
Sirah : Lihat "Sarah" (See "Sarah")
Sirin, Sireen : Istri pendamping nabi Hassan bin Tsabit (Wife of Prophets companion Hassan ibn Thabit)
Sitarah : Star (Star)
Siyana : Perlindungan (Protection)
Sobia : Baik dan Mulia Girl (Good and Noble Girl)
Sofia : Kebijaksanaan (Wisdom)
Somaya : Taman yang indah dikelilingi dengan mawar dan bunga (Beautiful garden surrounded with roses and flowers)
Sonia : Cantik, sangat indah (Pretty, very beautiful)
Soraiya : Princess (Princess)
Soraya : Indah (Beautiful)
Sorfina : Bersih, rapi, bebas dari kotoran (Clean, neat, free from dirt)
Souhayla : Star (Star)
Su'ad : Baik keberuntungan (Good fortune)
Suad, Souad : Daulat (Good fortune)
Subaha : Indah (Beautiful)
Subbiha : Bersih, rapi (Clean, tidy)
Subhaan : Memuji Allah (Praising Allah)
Subhah : di pagi hari (in the morning)
Subhiyah : dari pagi hari (of the morning)
Subuhi : Angin dingin dari pagi (The cold breeze of morning)
Suda : Happy beruntung (Happy, lucky)
Sudi : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Sufia : Seseorang yang mengikuti tasawuf - jantung Bersih (A person who follows Sufism - Clean heart)
Sughra : Kecil (Small)
Suha : Nama bintang (Name of a star)
Suhailah, Suhaylah : Halus, lembut, lancar, mengalir (Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing)
Suhaimah, Suhaymah : Kecil panah (Small arrow)
Suhair, Suhayr : Nama diri (Proper name)
Suhaylah : Halus, lembut, lancar, mengalir (Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing)
Suhaymah : Kecil panah (Small arrow)
Suhayr : Tepat nama (Proper name)
Suheera : Indah (Beautiful)
Sukainah, Sukaynah : Charming, menyenangkan (Charming, likable)
Sukaynah : Tenang, ketenangan (Calm, Quietude)
Sulafah : Terpilih (Choicest)
Sultanah : Sultaness (Sultaness)
Sumaira, Sumayra : Kecil dari Samra (Diminutive of Samra)
Sumaiya : Murni (Pure)
Sumanah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Sumara : Entertainer (Entertainer)
Sumayrah : Kecoklatan (Brownish)
Sumaytah : Dia pendamping (She was a companion)
Sumbul : Lemah, Delicate (Frail, Delicate)
Sumlina : Bintang Kejora (Morning Star)
Summar : Buah, Hadiah (Fruit, Gifts)
Summaya : Wanita pertama yang memperoleh shahadat dalam Islam (The first lady who obtained shahadat in Islam)
Summayyah : Pertama martir Islam (First martyr of Islam)
Sumnah : Nama seorang gadis Arab (FH) (Name of an Arab girl (FH))
Sumra : Buah, buah musim panas (Fruit, summer fruit)
Sunbul : Spikes gabah (Spikes of grain)
Sundas : Pakaian dari surga (Dress of heaven)
Sundus : Sutra brokat (Silk brocade)
Sunya : Sunshine, kecerahan (Sunshine, brightness)
Sura, Suraa : untuk melakukan perjalanan pada malam hari (to travel by night)
Suraiya : Sopan (Polite)
Suraya : Star (Star)
Suwaydah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Swiyyah : Sedikit satu (Little one)

Tabalah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Tabassum : Tersenyum (Smiling)
Tabinda : Cerah, bersinar (Bright, shining)
Tafida : Paradise (Mesir nama) (Paradise (egyptian name))
Taghrid : Menyanyi (seperti burung) (Singing (as a bird))
Tahani : Selamat (Congratulations)
Tahera : Murni, suci (Pure, chaste)
Tahira : Kudus, Murni (Holy, Pure)
Tahirah : Murni, suci (Pure, chaste)
Tahirah, Taahira : Murni, suci (Pure, chaste)
Tahiyah : Salam (Greeting)
Tahiyat : Haiyaa (Greetings)
Tahseenah : Tepuk tangan sorak (Acclaim)
Taibah : Bertobat (Repentant)
Taima, Tayma : Oasis di Northwest Saudi (Oasis in Northwest Arabia)
Takiyah : Saleh, orang benar (Pious, righteous)
Talah, Taalah : Muda pohon kelapa (Young palm tree)
Talibah : Seeker setelah pengetahuan (Seeker after knowledge)
Tamadur : Cemerlang (Brilliant)
Tamara : Tanggal pohon (Date tree)
Tameemah : Nama penyair a (Name of a poetess)
Tanisha : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Tanweer : Radiant, llluminating (Radiant, Illuminating)
Tanzeela : Wahyu, Menerima dengan ramah (Revelation, Receiving hospitably)
Taqiyah : Waspada Allah (Heedful of God)
Taqwa, Taqwaa : Kesalehan, kekhusyukan, penuh perhatian Allah (Piety, devoutness, heedfulness of God)
Tara : Star (Star)
Tarub : Gembira (Merry)
Tasheen : Pernah ambisius (Ever Ambitious)
Tasneem : Fountain of paridise (Fountain of paridise)
Tasnim : Fountain di surga (Fountain in paradise)
Tawbah : Repentence (Repentence)
Taybah : Murni (Pure)
Tayyibah : Baik, menyenangkan, menyenangkan (Good, pleasant, agreeable)
Tazim : Hormat (Respect)
Tazkia : Khusus, unik (Special, Unique)
Tazmeen : Satu memiliki sifat baik, sifat & kebiasaan (One having good qualities, nature & habits)
Tehzeeb : Hormat (Respect)
Thabitah : Perusahaan (Firm)
Thaminah : Mulia, murah hati (Precious, generous)
Thana : Syukur, pujian (Thankfulness, praise)
Thana, Thanaa : Syukur, pujian, pujian (Thankfulness, commendation, praise)
Thara : Kekayaan (Wealth)
Thara, Tharaa : Kekayaan (Wealth)
Tharwah : Kekayaan (Wealth)
Tharya : Nama seorang wanita yang saleh (Name of a pious woman)
Thashin : Tepuk tangan sorak (Acclaim)
Thawab : Menghargai (Reward)
Thoraya : Star (Star)
Thufailah : Elegan dengan hormat baik untuk orang tua nya (Elegant with good respect for her elders)
Thuml : Nama seorang wanita terhormat awal (Name of an early distinguished woman)
Thuraiya, Thurayya : Bintang, konstelasi Pleiades (Star, constellation Pleiades)
Thurayya : Star (Star)
Thuwaibah, Thuwaybah : Layak mendapatkan hadiah Dewa (Deserving of Gods reward)
Thuwaybah : Nama salah satu basah-perawat dari Nabi (SAW) (Name of one of the wet-nurses of the Prophet (SAW))
Tibah : Kebaikan, kebaikan (Goodness, kindness)
Tisha : Dia yang aktif, hidup (One who is active, lively)
Tuba : Nama sebuah pohon di surga (The name of a tree in heaven)
Tuba, Tubaa : Berkat, beautitude (Blessedness, beautitude)
Tulayhah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Tumadur : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Tuqa, Tuqaa : Penuh perhatian Allah (Heedfulness of God)

Ubab, Ubaab : Gelombang hujan, berat (Waves, heavy rain)
Ubah : Bunga (Flower)
Udaysah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Uhud : Komitmen, janji, delegasi (Commitment, pledge, delegation)
Ujala : Cahaya alam semesta (Light of the universe)
Ula : Paling atas, tertinggi (Uppermost, highest)
Ulfah : Harmony, keintiman (Harmony, intimacy)
Umaiza : Cerah, indah dan lembut hati (Bright, beautiful and soft hearted)
Umamah : Muda ibu; nama cucu nabi (Young mother; name of the Prophets granddaughter)
Umaymah : Ibu muda (Young mother)
Umaynah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Umayrah : Dia adalah putri dari Alqamah (She was the daughter of Alqamah)
Umm Kalthum : Nama putri Nabi (Name of the Prophets daughter)
Umm Kulthum : Satu dengan wajah bulat (One with round face)
Umm-e-kulsum : Ibu dari Kulsum (The mother of kulsum)
Ummayyah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Umnia : Hadiah (Gift)
Umniyah : keinginan, cita-cita (a wish, an aspiration)
Unaysah : Ramah; ramah (Friendly; Affable)
Urshia : Orang yang termasuk dalam langit (One who belongs in the skies)
Usaimah, Usaymah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Utaybah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Uwaisah, Uwaysah : Bilberry, whortleberry (Bilberry, whortleberry)
Uzma : Terbesar (Greatest)

Vardah : Mawar (Rose)
Varisha : Petir (Lightning)

Waajidah : Orang yang acheives tujuan hidupnya, dicintai, tercinta (One who acheives her goals in life, loved, beloved)
Wabisa : Terang sesuatu (Something Bright)
Wad : Janji (Promise)
Wadha, Wadhaa : Terang (Bright)
Wadiah : Tenang, damai (Calm, peaceable)
Wafa, Wafaa : Kesetiaan (Faithfulness)
Wafeeqah : Sukses (Successful)
Wafiqah : Sukses (Successful)
Wafiqah, Wafeeqa : Sukses (Successful)
Wafiyah : Setia, setia (Loyal, faithful)
Wafiza : Udara segar (Fresh air)
Wagma : Pagi angin, embun (Morning breeze, dew)
Wahabah : Ini adalah nama sebuah penyair (This was the name of a poetess)
Wahbiyah : Pemberian (Giving)
Wahibah : Pemberi, donor (Giver, donor)
Wahidah : Eksklusif, unik (Exclusive, unique)
Wahuj : Pertama terang hari, Dawn, New Beginning (First light of day, Dawn, New Beginning)
Wajd : Gairah emosi, kuat (Passion, strong emotion)
Wajihah : Terkemuka, dibedakan, terkenal (Eminent, distinguished, notable)
Wakeelah : Agen (Agent)
Wala, Walaa : Loyalitas (Loyalty)
Walidah : Bayi (Newborn)
Walihah : Ini adalah nama sebuah penyair (This was the name of a poetess)
Waliyah : Princess (Princess)
Walladah : Sering memproduksi, produktif (Frequently producing, prolific)
Warda : Guardian, Protector (Guardian, Protector)
Wardah : Rose (Rose)
Wardah, Wordah : Mawar (Rose)
Wareesha : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Warqa, Warqaa : Merpati (Pigeon)
Warsan : Benar berita, berita bagus (True news, wonderful news)
Waseefah : Hamba perempuan, Mid-dayang (Female Servant; Mid-in-waiting)
Waseemah : Molek (Comely)
Wasfiyah : Depictive (Depictive)
Wasifah : Dia yang menjelaskan (One who describes)
Wasilah : Terpisahkan teman (Inseparable friend)
Wasimah : Cantik, indah (Pretty, beautiful)
Wasna : Seorang narator Hadis memiliki nama ini (A narrator of Hadith had this name)
Wazeera : Wanita Menteri (Female Minister)
Wiam : Harmony, perjanjian (Harmony, agreement)
Wid : Penuh cinta, kasih sayang (Loving, affectionate)
Widad, Widaad : Cinta, persahabatan (Love, friendship)
Wifaq : Harmony, persetujuan (Harmony, consent)
Wijdan : Ekstasi, sentimen (Ecstacy, sentiment)
Wisal : Komuni dalam kasih (Communion in love)
Wisal, Wisaal : Reunion, kebersamaan, persekutuan cinta (Reunion, being together, communion in love)
Wisam, Wisaam : Medali, lencana kehormatan (Medal, badge of honor)
Wurud : Roses (Roses)

Yafiah : Tinggi (High)
Yakootah : Zamrud (Emerald)
Yalqoot : Seorang wanita awal yang memberikan banyak amal (An early woman who gave much in charity)
Yamamah : Valley di Saudi (Valley in Arabia)
Yamha : Merpati (Dove)
Yaminah : Benar dan tepat; memberkati (Right and proper; blessed)
Yara : Sedikit Butterfly (Little Butterfly)
Yarah : Hangat (Warm)
Yasirah : Lunak (Lenient)
Yasmeenah : Harum bunga (Sweet-smelling flower)
Yasmin, Yasmeen : Melati (Jasmine)
Yasmine : Bunga (Flower)
Yasna : Ini berarti mawar putih di arab (It means white rose in arabic)
Yelda : Gelap malam (Dark night)
Yumn : Baik keberuntungan, sukses (Good fortune, success)
Yumna : Baik keberuntungan, kesuksesan (Good fortune, success)
Yumnah, Yumna : Kanan (Right side)
Yusayrah : Mudah (Easy)
Yusra : Sejahtera (Prosperous)
Yusra, Yusraa : Paling makmur (Most prosperous)
Yusriyah : Paling makmur (Most prosperous)
Yusur : Sejahtera (Prosperous)

Zaahirah : Pengunjung (Guest)
Zaara : Bunga yang indah (Beautiful Flower)
Zaeemah : Pemimpin (Leader)
Zafeerah : Perusahaan (Firm)
Zafirah : Pemenang (Victorious)
Zafirah, Zaafirah : Menang, sukses (Victorious, successful)
Zahabiya : Gold (Gold)
Zahara : Bunga, kecantikan, bintang (Flower, beauty, star)
Zaheen : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Zaheerah : Helper, Asisten (Helper, Assistant)
Zahidah : Pertapa, abstentious (Ascetic, abstentious)
Zahirah : Bersinar, bercahaya (Shining, luminous)
Zahra : Indah (Beautiful)
Zahra, Zahraa : Putih (White)
Zahraa : Lady of Jannah (Lady of Jannah)
Zahrah : Bunga, keindahan, bintang (Flower, beauty, star)
Zahwah : Kecantikan, cantik (Beauty, pretty)
Zaib : Kecantikan (Beauty)
Zaid : Pertumbuhan, Meningkatkan (Growth, Increase)
Zain, Zayn : Kecantikan (Beauty)
Zaina : Indah (Beautiful)
Zainab : Nabi istri (Prophets wife)
Zainab, Zaynab : pohon dihiasi; nama putri Nabi (an ornamented tree; name of the daughter of the Prophet)
Zairah : Pengunjung (Visitor)
Zakirah : Orang yang mengingat Allah secara teratur (One who remembers Allah regularly)
Zakiyah : Murni (Pure)
Zameelah : Companion (Companion)
Zameena : Cerdas, Intelektual (Intelligent, Intellectual)
Zamrud : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Zanubiya : Nama seorang ratu besar Suriah (Name of a great Syrian queen)
Zara : Seterang fajar (Bright as the dawn)
Zareena : Emas (Gold)
Zareenah : Seorang sahabat Nabi (SAW) (A companion of Prophet (SAW))
Zarifah : Kecantikan, cerdas (Beauty, smart)
Zariya : Kecantikan dan cahaya (Beauty and light)
Zarmina : Indah dan berharga emas (Lovely and precious gold)
Zarqa : Biru (Blue)
Zarrah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Zartaj : Ratu (Queen)
Zawiya : Slim Kecantikan (Slim Beauty)
Zayaan : Indah sesuatu (Something beautiful)
Zayb : Perhiasan (Adornment)
Zayba : Perhiasan; Kecantikan (Adornment; Beauty)
Zaynab : Tepat Nama, Nama Putri Nabi (Proper Name, Name of Prophet's Daughter)
Zaynah : Indah (Beautiful)
Zaynah, Zaina : Indah (Beautiful)
Zaytoon : Zaitun (Olive)
Zaytoonah : (A tunggal) Zaitun ((A single) Olive)
Zeba : Kecantikan (Beauty)
Zeena : Ornament, Sesuatu yang indah (Ornament, Something beautiful)
Zeenat : Cantik (Gorgeous)
Zehna : Indah (Beautiful)
Zehra : Bunga (Flower)
Zenia : Bunga (Flower)
Zerina : Putri, Cerdas, kecerdasan (Princess, Smart, Inteligent)
Zia : Cahaya, Splendid (Light, Splendid)
Zilal : Teduh, Shadow (Shade, Shadow)
Zinneerah : Nama sahabiah (Name of a sahabiah)
Ziram : Cahaya (Glow)
Ziya : Cahaya (Light)
ziyada : Pertumbuhan (Growth)
Ziyan : Keanggunan (Elegance)
Zoeya : Kehidupan (Life)
Zoha : Cahaya (Light)
Zoharin : Fajar, terang hari (Dawn, light of day)
Zohra : Venus, permata dari langit (Venus, jewels of sky)
Zohura : Indah, polos dan penuh perhatian (Beautiful, innocent and caring)
Zonira : Batu mulia, Jewel Mahal (Precious Stone, Expensive Jewel)
Zorah : Dawn (Dawn)
Zoufishan : Moonlight (Moonlight)
Zoya : Mencintai & peduli (Loving & caring)
Zubaidah : Sangat baik, nama istri Khalifah Harun Al Rasyid (Excellent; name of the wife of Caliph Harun Al Rashid)
Zubdah : Mentega (Butter)
Zubi : Mencintai dan memahami (Loving and understanding)
Zuha, Zuhaa : Perhiasan (Adornment)
Zuharah : Planet Venus (Planet Venus)
Zuhayra : Keberanian (Courage)
Zuhera : Nama planet (Name of a planet)
Zuhrah : Kecerahan (Brightness)
Zuhur : untuk bunga, mekar, bersinar (to flower, to blossom, to glow)
Zulaykha : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Zulekha : Brilliant kecantikan (Brilliant beauty)
Zulfa : Pertama bagian dari malam (First part of the night)
Zulfah : Kedekatan, kedekatan (Nearness, closeness)
Zumurrud : Zamrud (Emerald)
Zumurruda : Zamrud (Emerald)
Zumzum : Manis air dari surga (Sweet water of paradise)
Zunairah : Bunga ditemukan di surga (Flower found in paradise)
Zynah : Indah (Beautiful)

Sudah cukup ya kyaknya...pegel

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